- This month is a lunar month of only 29 days. 這個月是小建,只有二十九天。
- lesser month [a solar month of 30 days of a lunar month of 29 days] 小月
- In native Xiamen dialect,this day is called "Ji gao mei," meaning "the twenty ninth eve" (in the lunar calendar,every month is comprised of 29 days). 除夕在廈門被稱為「二十九暝」(在農曆年裡,每個月都只有二十九天)。
- This lunar month has only 29 days. It is not a Dajin (a lunar month of 30 days). 這個月不是大盡,只有二十九天。
- In native Xiamen dialect, this day is called "Ji gao mei," meaning "the twenty ninth eve" (in the lunar calendar, every month is comprised of 29 days). 除夕在廈門被稱為「二十九暝」(在農曆年裡,每個月都只有二十九天)。
- The last month of this year has only 29 days, which means December 29th is New Year's Eve. 今年是小年,臘月二十九就是除夕了。
- People usually call the lunar month of October "the little spring". 人們習慣把農曆十月稱為小陽春。
- Strictly speaking, the Spring Festival starts every year in the early days of the 12th lunar month and will last till the mid 1st lunar month of the next year. 嚴格的講,春節會從農曆12月的早些時候開始一直持續到轉年農曆1月的中期。
- Oneself are held do, criterion hard to avoid rushs about often in market of lumber of each a lunar month of 30 days, already too overfatigue god, also lack experience. 自己操辦,則難免在各大建材市場頻繁奔波,既太過勞神,也缺乏經驗。
- Primary schools start the new term on the six day of the lunar month of December this year. 小學校今年正月初六就要開學了。
- Many Chinese here were already lamenting the rare, inauspicious appearance of two eclipses in the first lunar month of the year, one solar and one lunar. 很多香港人已經開始埋怨正月里出現了少有的、不吉利的日食和月食。
- New moon marks the beginning of a new lunar month. 新月標誌著一個新的朔望月的開始。
- A month, especially a lunar month. 太陰月一個月,尤指陰曆的月
- I haven't played peng-pang in a month of Sundays. 我有好長時間沒玩乒乓球了。
- At the age of 29, the poet met with a watery grave. 詩人29歲時死於水厄。
- At the age of 29,the poet met with a watery grave. 詩人29歲時死於水厄。
- I will be sitting for UEC after 29 days. 還有29天,我要上戰場了!
- I've not seen her for/in a month of Sundays. 我很久沒有見到她了。
- Mt.Everest rises to the height of 29,009 feet. 埃弗勒斯峰高達二萬零九英尺。
- February had 29 days last year . 去年二月有二十九天。