- The radiation at L band has a good linear relation with the bright temperature. L波段微波輻射值和根據輻射理論計算出的亮溫值具有很好的線性關係。
- Fig. 3b IR brightness temperature annual variation difference of 2003 and 2004 m inus 1999 of background area. 景區的亮溫變化過程才能判斷火山區是否存在增溫趨勢。
- The main reason is probably the lower brightness temperature from CLM at higher elevation. 溫差在高海拔地區普遍比較大,這可能是由於CLM對高海拔地區的溫度估計偏低導致的。
- The high brightness temperature of the pulsar radio emission implies that the underlying emission mechanism must be coherent. 極高的亮溫度意味著起作用的發射機制一定是相干的。
- Collocated AIRS brightness temperature and the corresponding T213 temperatureanalyses field are used to compute the regression coefficients. 利用AIRS實際觀測資料反演大氣溫度,本文使用的是便於處理大數據量的統計反演方法中的特徵向量法,計算回歸係數使用的是AIRS觀測輻射值和T213數值預報分析場。
- The four Stokes components of brightness temperature and emissivity are solved using the high-order small perturbation method(HSPM). 該模型基於二維粗糙海面上場的高階微擾法展開近似,得到了4個發射率分量及亮溫的高階微擾解。
- The ground calibration experiment for ESA s SMOS Mission will use an L-band radiometry to measure soil brightness temperature of Takelamagan Desert. 歐空局SMOS任務的塔克拉瑪干沙漠地面定標實驗,採用L波段微波輻射計測量塔克拉瑪干沙漠的土壤亮溫。
- Brightness temperature and land surface temperature are extracted from ASTER data set, and their difference is analyzed. 摘要利用ASTER數據反演亮溫和地表溫度,並對二者差異進行對比;
- Computing the regression coefficients with AIRS brightness temperature and thecorresponding T213 temperature analyses field make for AIRS operational retrieval. 本文採用T213數值預報分析場進行回歸係數計算,為AIRS資料反演業務化奠定了良好基礎。
- This research uses LST surface brightness temperature inversion method to conduct the brightness temperature inversion for the image of a high-resolution satelite Landsat TM. 本研究對成都平原南部三個中小城市主城區的熱場進行了對比研究,用圖像反映了三個城市的熱環境狀況,並用定量的數據反映了各城市間熱力景觀的差異。
- A new method is designed to obtain canopy component temperature and accurate directional brightness temperature from multidirectional thermal infrared measurements. 為了給熱輻射方向性研究提供準確的組分溫度分佈和方向亮溫數據,提出了一種新的基於熱像儀的實用測量方法。
- In addition discusses other inversion algorithm of retrieving the brightness temperature including the gradient method, the DFP method and the extremum method. 另外討論視在溫度的其他幾種反演演算法,包括梯度迭代法、DFP法和極值法。
- The radiometer measures not the brightness temperature of the object but the antenna temperature which is the brightness temperature "smoothed" by the system weighting function. 毫米波輻射計測得的是天線溫度而不是物體的輻射溫度。
- The result shows that in terms of quantity structure and validity on indicating temperature variance of objects, LST is better than brightness temperature. 結果表明:亮溫和地表溫度在數量結構、表徵地物溫度變異程度上存在很大差異;
- GMS infrared data are widely used on precipitation study in Taiwan Area for a long period.Based on the cloud top brightness temperature, rainfall rates are estimated routinely. 摘要由GMS紅外線資料來分析台灣地區降雨時雲層的亮度溫度,可以大略分析出降雨時雲頂的溫度分佈。
- The brightness temperature data,whose reliability is verified by the observed air temperature,and NDVI data of Hangzhou urban city was acquired from ETM+ image. 通過對杭州市區ETM+遙感影像數據的處理,提取該區域地表亮溫和NDVI數據,並結合實測溫度對亮溫數據的可靠性進行了驗證。
- A lunar occultation of a quasar. 類星體的月星掩測定
- The bright temperature of forest fire is nearly on the band 21 and band 22,which are usually characteristic of CH21-CH22<20K instead of noises. 林火點在CH21和CH22上的值比較接近;一般有CH21-CH22<20K;而雜訊點在兩個波段上的亮溫差異比較大。
- A month, especially a lunar month. 太陰月一個月,尤指陰曆的月
- The Variability of Tropical Precipitation Profiles and Its Impact on Microwave Brightness Temperatures as Inferred from TRMM Data. 熱帶降水廓線的變率及其對從TRMM資料導出的微波亮度溫度的影響。