- Technology is a booming sector of the economy. 技術是一個迅速發展的經濟部門。
- Bank share has been a neglected sector of the market this week. 這個星期銀行股票是證券市場上被忽視的股票。
- All sector of the economy suffer from the fall in the exchange rate. 所有經濟部門都遭受到這次匯率下跌帶來的損失。
- Today we will learn the formula of triangle area. 這節課我們學習三角形面積的計算公式。
- Most objects are composed of triangle strips. 許多物體由三角形條帶構成。
- Area Sector Of Golding Huhan Of Illustrious! 燙金地段,顯赫人生!
- The non-public sector of the economy grew stronger. 非公有制經濟進一步發展。
- Fashion is one sector of the beauty industry. 時裝是美容行業的一個部分。
- upper sector of triangle 三角室上段脈
- The start sector of the new session is displayed here. 新記錄片段的起始扇區顯示在這裡。
- The start sector of the last or imported session is displayed here. 最後一項的起始扇區或導入的記錄片段顯示在這裡。
- In the normal way open the first sector of the sunshade. 按正常開傘方法反打開第一把傘面。
- On-line entertainment is the fastest growing sector of the economy. 在線娛樂是增長最快的經濟領域。
- A combination of triangle TSP and ND cutters is used. 採用三角形TSP和天然金剛石組合使用;
- Though the brain is at the top and kidney is at the low sector, but they have consanguineous reality. 腎與腦雖然分處於人體的上下,但仍然存在多種內在的聯繫。
- The network of triangles so laid out. 三角系(或網)做三角測量時劃定的三角形構成的網路
- If it is sold in the off-seasons, it shall attract users of the low sector who are usually sensitive to price in order to increase the sale of the company. 而在淡季銷售,可會吸引部分價格敏感的客戶,來增加公司銷量。
- And put forward the sectoring of fragmentation. 並在此提出了頂煤破碎分區。
- The damage spread to other sectors of the economy. 損失擴展到了將經濟的其他部分。
- Multiple sectors of the economy exist side by side. 多種經濟成份並存。