- A low and fast throw made to put a base runner out. 快速低球棒球比賽中為把跑壘員殺出局而擲出的低而快的球
- The cello makes low and deep sounds. 大提琴發出低沉的聲音。
- Leave dynamite to the low and unrefined. 把炸藥留給那些低劣的人吧。
- A dealer in sewing notions and small wares. 零星服飾用品商做縫紉小物件和小商品生意的商人
- There used to be low and dirty houses. 那裡曾是些矮而骯髒的房舍。
- The island is covered with nests,big and small. 整個島上都是大大小小的鳥窩。
- Flat seating faces for low and medium pressures. 適用於中低壓力的平面閥座表面。
- Everything,big and small,is properly taken care of. 事無大小,都有人負責。
- His voice was low and not pleasant. 他的音調低沉而不愉快。
- He crept out from the narrow and small cabin. 他從狹小的船艙里爬出來。
- Tax was low and state spending was high, resulting in a budget deficit. 稅率低而政府支出大,結果出現預算赤字。
- He failed,and small wonder,ie it is not surprising. 他失敗了,這沒什麼奇怪。
- Hawks prey on rodents and small birds. 鷹捕食嚙齒動物和小鳥。
- The lights were low and romance was in the air. 燈光暗淡,瀰漫著浪漫情調。
- It examines the stomach and small intestine. 可以用它來檢查胃和小腸。
- Third, maintain a low and simple tax regime. 第三,維持簡單及低稅率稅制。
- All countries, big and small, should be equal. 國家不論大小, 一律平等。
- His salary is low and he gets few -ries. 他的薪水微薄, 所以很少買奢侈品。
- Define small classed and small methods. 定義更小的類和方法。
- He spoke a few words, his voice low and calm. 他說了幾句話,聲音低而平和。