- By analyzing the symbols in Araby, I have a deep insight into the boy』s fist love with Mangan』s sister. 早晨七點半就在浪淘沙門口集合,坐著大巴到文化宮去聽徐姐姐的面授。徐姐姐姍姍來遲,八點四十才到。等的我心裡甚是焦急。
- If you love sb, just tell her; if you dream of sth, just do it. 對於我這種剛入行的人來說,簡直就是雪中送碳,雨中送傘啊!感謝!
- His name is Jun. He is my mother』 s sister』 s son. 他的名字叫駿。他是我媽媽的姐姐的兒子。
- Anne』s sister, Margot, was very __________ that the family had to move. 安妮的妹妹瑪戈特非常________,因為她們一家不得不要搬家。
- My host family and the aunt of my host family 's sister are the IBOs of Amway. 我的寄宿家庭和寄宿家庭阿姨的妹妹是安利的IBO。
- And the sons of Lotan; Ho***, and Homam: and Timna was Lotan#s sister. 39羅坍的兒子是何利,荷幔。羅坍的妹子是亭納。
- I talked on the phone with ML's sister, Mildred, and her husband, Zeb Vance Sanders, and with one of ML's high-school friends, Bill Sligh. 我和曼梯·里的姐姐米爾德里德及她的丈夫西勃·萬斯·桑德斯還有曼梯·里的一個中學時的朋友比爾·斯萊都通了話。
- A customer can also, if desired, hedge their price in the market via the use of PAMP's sister company, MKS Finance. 一位顧客還可以,如果需要的話,對沖其價格在市場上通過使用的姊妹公司,MKS金融。
- I talked on the phone with ML's sister,Mildred,and her husband,Zeb Vance Sanders,and with one of ML's high-school friends,Bill Sligh. 我和曼梯·里的姐姐米爾德里德及她的丈夫西勃·萬斯·桑德斯還有曼梯·里的一個中學時的朋友比爾·斯萊都通了話。
- Chambermaid to Marguerite "Margot" of France, who is Henry II and Catherine de Medicis' daughter and King Charles IX's sister. 法國的瑪格麗特(瑪爾戈)的女僕,瑪格麗特是亨利二世和凱瑟琳德美第奇的女兒,國王查爾斯九世的妹妹。
- TIME's sister magazine FORTUNE once infamously, and incorrectly, predicted that its return to China would bring about its death. 當時幾期財富雜誌都曾經惡意的,不正確的預言香港的回歸中國將會帶來香港的毀滅。
- Through no fault of his own,the teen s sister is a judge who "sentences"thunderstruck Richard to date the girl until her schoolgirl crush wanes. 年輕姑娘深情不渝的愛上了魅力四射的畫家,但畫家只想利用這種關係來接受小姑娘的姐姐。
- James: I just got a letter from Aunt Caroline. You remember her, don\'t you, David? My great-aunt. Grandma Allen\'s sister. 詹姆斯:我剛收到卡洛林姑姑的一封信。你記得她,對嗎,大衛?我的姑姥姥,艾倫外婆的姐姐。
- Me with some of the FCW ( i.e., women section)'s sisters. 再與晉漢省華總婦女組的部分姐妹們合照。
- love sb,congratulate sb,regret sth from the bottom of one's heart 由衷地愛某人、祝賀某人、惋惜某事物
- In order to tend to Jane, Elizabeth hikes through muddy fields and arrives with a spattered dress, much to the disdain of the snobbish , Charles Bingley』s sister. 另一方面,為表示與男性平等,他們以衡量男性的標準來衡量自身以及筆下的女主人公,以證明女性同樣具備男性所具有的優秀品性。
- love sb, congratulate sb, regret sth from the bottom of one's heart 由衷地愛某人、 祝賀某人、 惋惜某事物.
- There was a pal who even helped her father-in-law found colorectal cancer in the early stage.This made her husband』s sister felt very grateful and they also became closer. 甚至還有一位夥伴也在她的引薦下,而幫助公公提早發現大腸癌,讓小姑感激在心,使得妯娌感情變更好。
- WILLIAM WORDSWORTH'S sister, Dorothy, is usually thought of as sentimental and stodgy, a lover of daffodils and the healthy outdoors but ultimately rather dull. 在眾人眼中,威廉.;華茲華斯的妹妹多蘿西多愁善感、乏味無趣、喜愛水仙,執迷郊外,不過話說回來,還是相當沉悶。
- One particular subplot involving Sun Quan』s sister Sun Shangxiang (Zhao Wei) and a commander from Cao Cao』s rival camp also turns out surprisingly touching. 「嗯,我一定會帶你回家。」