- My neighbor 's dog died from distemper. 我鄰居的狗死於犬瘟熱。
- The reason women do not love one another be-men. 女性們彼此不相愛的理由是--男人。
- To love one's flesh and blood is no achievement. 只愛自己的骨肉親人算不了什麼。
- I'd love one,if I can beat you again. 我很願意,假如我可以再打敗你的話。
- Because people love one not in the wrong. 因為愛一個人沒有錯。
- Owe on one anything except to love one another. 凡事都不可虧欠人,惟有彼此相愛。
- They play and make jokes and love one another. 它們在一道兒玩耍,尋開心,你愛我,我愛你的。
- Owe no one anything except to love one another. 換句話說;我們每天都"欠了去愛別人".
- You are to remember that I knew no more of my descent than any cadger 's dog. 你們可記得我對於自己的家世,不見得比流浪漢的一頭狗知道的更多。
- Give love one more opportunity ! 讓愛,多一個機會!
- Christ exhorted us to love one another. 基督勸告我們要愛人如己。
- Wecan't love one another enough. 恰好是相互之間愛也愛不夠。
- Brothers and sisters / Who love one another. 兄弟姊妹/眾人相親相愛。
- The Sequoia Humane Society』s dog clothes Center is open Tuesday through Saturday from noon to 5 p.m. 公司將於近期持營業執照、機房工程許可證申領表到中國證監會領取營業部經營許可證。
- The world will have new dreariness for her without her love one. 如果沒有她所愛的人這個世界就會有新的凄涼。
- The s Dog Collar teel ministry has recently suggested that import export duties on iron ore be raised. 根據規定,招標公告發布時間不得少於5天,中標人應加強對建造師的管理,不得隨意更換一級建造師。
- They become the official dog walkers for Nixon?s dog Checkers, and become his secret advisors during the Watergate scandal. 總統為了了解她們是否知道內幕,就聘請她們當白宮遛狗人,結果卻陰差陽錯的捲起一連串的滑稽事件!
- Love one person and make her happy is more felicity. 愛人和被人愛--哪一種更幸福?
- Eric Hoffer said, it is easier to love humanity as a whole than to love one』s neighbor. 愛整個人類要比愛隔壁鄰居容易得多。
- Loving one's own offspring or children in general. 愛兒童的愛自己子女或愛所有孩子的