- But what role you can play has to do with your personality. Some people really love frustrating people, or the rugged play under the basket. 但是你在球場上所扮演的角色是跟你的特點有關的。一些球員喜歡去阻止對方球員得分,一些喜歡在籃下干臟活。
- She counterfeited alarm when he confessed his love. 當他向她示愛時她假裝驚訝的樣子。
- Tears of frustration can't weigh up a love. 挫折的眼淚不能測試愛的重量。
- In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love. 玫瑰在詩中通常作為愛的象徵。
- He swore to love her for evermore. 他發誓永遠愛她。
- The novel originally came from a true love affair. 這本小說原先是從一個真實的愛情故事發展而來的。
- She felt that his love had always been covered by thick cloudiness. 她覺得他的愛總是籠罩在濃厚的朦朧中。
- The love scenes in the play were a bit overdone. 劇中的情愛場面演得有點過火了。
- I fell in love with her at first sight. 我第一眼見到她就愛上了她。
- It is love that/which makes the world peaceful. 使世界和平的就是愛。
- He returned her love and devotion with usury. 他給她的愛戀和忠誠以加倍地回報。
- Christ preached that we should love each other. 基督在佈道中說人們應該互敬互愛。
- Children love to ball snow up in their hands. 小孩子們喜歡將雪在手裡做成球兒。
- He has fallen in love and is hard hit. 他已墜入情網,甚為痛苦。
- I love my dog and I would never part with him. 我愛我的狗,決不願和它分離。
- I think I've met the love of my life. 我認為我已找到理想的愛人了。
- He refused to make love before they were married. 他決不在婚前發生性行為。
- Heaven grant us patience with a man in love! 天啊!請賜予我們以容忍戀愛中的男人的耐心吧。
- The prince fall in love with a fair young maiden. 王子愛上了一位美麗的年輕少女。
- Their love affair is an open secret. 他們的風流韻事是公開的秘密。