- Loss reporting for seal and password shall be carried out by the depositor. 印簽掛失、密碼掛失必須由存款人本人辦理。
- B: Please fill in this Application Form of Loss Reporting item by item. We will examined it carefully. 請逐項填寫這份掛失申請表,我們將仔細核對。
- The depositor shall go to the account-opening outlet with his identity certification to cancel the oral loss reporting. 取消口頭掛失需由存款人本人持本人身份證明到開戶行辦理。
- If the deposit has already been falsely claimed before the loss reporting is accepted, the bank will not handle the loss reporting. 如掛失前存款已被人冒領,銀行不予受理。
- To handle all of the company's insurance matters, including negotiation with insurers/brokers, claims management, loss reporting and policy renewals. 管理公司的保險事宜,包括與保險公司、代理公司協商談判、索賠、損失報告及政策更新。
- The original license issuing agency shall reissue a license upon verification of no harmful consequences after receiving the loss report. 原發證機構收到掛失報告后,經核實無不良後果的,予以重新補發。
- A proportionate share of a net loss reported by the investor is recognized as a decrease in the investment. 被投資者的凈虧損也按持股比例作為投資額的減少。
- Exterior the support video frequency loss reports to the police with the migration detects reports to the police. 支持視頻丟失報警和移動偵測外部報警。
- A proportionate share of a net loss reported by the investor is recognized as a decrease in the investment . 被投資者的凈虧損也按持股比例作為投資額的減少。
- Price slide after the company report a loss. 這個公司報虧損之後,價格就下滑。
- Characters of profit and loss report 利潤表結構的特點
- I commiserate with you on the loss of your mother. 你母親逝世,我特向你慰問。
- How can we divert her thoughts from her sad loss? 我們怎樣才能使他不再想到她可悲的損失?
- I am merely reporting what he said. 我只是轉述他的話。
- The loss of all his money embitter the old man. 失去全部的錢,使這位老人甚為痛苦。
- Yet these setbacks look inconsequential when set against the monstrous losses reported by bigger banks farther afield. 但是,這些挫折和遠方大銀行們那些巨額損失相比,實在顯得微不足道。
- Avoid sensationalism in reporting crime. 報道罪案時要避免使用聳動視聽的手段。
- The loss reporter has to provide related information of the depositor including the name, date of deposit, deposit period, type, amount, customer number, account number and the address. 掛失人需提供存款人的姓名、存款時間、存期、種類、金額、客戶號、賬號及住址等有關信息。
- The loss of the ball game stir up much feeling. 球賽輸了引起了極大的憤慨。
- The ship was wrecked and became a total loss. 船隻失事,一切都損失了。