- We promises: loss one matches,trinal amends. 本公司承諾,如輸一場,包賠三倍賠償。
- The first was a small bomb left in the toilet at a beachfront restaurant in the island』s capital Palma.No one was injured. 第一起是帕爾馬沙灘餐廳的一個衛生間里的一枚小炸彈,無人受傷。
- Germania』s capital, Berlin, became a Nazi showplace. 德國首都柏林,成為納粹展示。
- AMERICA'S capital, filled with politicos and pundits, is a noisy place. 美國首都政客學者雲集,熱鬧非凡。
- Abruzzo』s capital, L』Aquila, stands at the foot of the Gran Sasso and has many important churches and monuments. 阿布魯佐的省會是拉奎拉,它座落在大薩索山的山腳下,那裡有許多重要的教堂與紀念碑。
- We also need to further increase the IMF's capital base in order to expand its NAB, or New Arrangements to Borrow. 我們還應該進一步增大IMF的資金池,以擴大其新的貸款協議。
- CDB's capital base has been pinched by continued lending growth without an increase in equity. 由於貸款不斷增長,而公司的股本並未增加,這使得國家開發銀行的資本充足率出現下降。
- Western diplomats and politicians rushed to Moscow and to Georgia』s capital, Tbilisi, trying to broker a ceasefire. 西方外交家和政客們沖向莫斯科,以及喬治亞首都第比利斯,試圖斡旋停火。
- New pictures are showing how active a volcano near Ecuador 』s capital of Quito is gotten. 一組新照片展示了厄瓜多首都基多附近的一座活火山是多麼活躍。
- A LYNCHING took place recently outside an ironmonger』s shop in Nairobi, Kenya』s capital. 近日,在肯亞首都內羅畢一家五金商店外,發生了一場私刑。
- A firm"s capital structure and its financing activities are closely interrelated. 企業的資本結構與融資方式密不可分。
- Horseback police taking a look at Egypt s capital Cairo, the seat cavalryman is how cool! 首頁>>圖片獵奇>>看看埃及s首都開羅的騎警,坐騎好酷!
- One of the penalties of fame is loss of privacy. 成名的弊端之一是失去了私人活動自由。
- Zelaya to that gathering, even welcoming him at the airport in Nicaragua』s capital, Managua. 查韋斯總統派飛機護送塞拉亞總統到會,甚至在尼加拉瓜首都馬那瓜的機場親自接機。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最優秀的跨欄選手之一。
- In Serbia' s capital, Belgrade, meanwhile, months of wrangling over the formation of a new government are coming to a head. 與此同時,塞爾維亞首都貝爾格雷德也經歷了數月的爭論-政府的形成也到了其緊要關頭。
- He is a member of the Dinka tribe, which populates southern Sudan, but his family lived in the nation』s capital, Khartoum. 他屬於蘇丹南部的丁卡族,但是他們一家住在首都喀土穆。
- Final Zhang Fei forged an excellent plan, everybody is inserting the person in front to cross a river, such loss one chickling chicken of the individual.Then soldiers are inserting to cross a river... 最後張飛想出了一條妙計,每個人插著前面的人過河,這樣只損失了一個人的小雞雞。
- Charlottetown, the province』s capital and 「Canada』s birthplace,」 is steeped in history and thrives as a center of performing arts. 既為該省省會也是「加拿大發源地」的夏洛特城有豐富的歷史,更是蓬勃發展的表演藝術中心。
- The boy took one sip of the wine and spat it out. 那男孩子呷了一小口葡萄酒,但馬上又吐了出來。