- He accompany me, however, not lose one moment in continuing his exhortation. 他陪著我,然而不失時機地繼續他對我的的規勸。
- We lose one day when we go from here to the States. 從這裡到美國要減少一天。
- He lose one of the pieces of his model engine. 他的火車頭模型缺了一個零件。
- Hesitated just can lose one's life. 猶豫不決就會送命。
- It is so easy to lose one's bearings in the woods. 在森林裡很容易迷失方向。
- To lose one's poise or self-control. 失去鎮定或自製
- He lost one of the pieces of his model engine. 他的火車頭模型缺了一個零件。
- It is easy to lose one's way in the forest. 在森林中人很容易迷路。
- Lose one's love for sb.; Be out of love with sb. 失去對某人的愛。
- I cannot afford to lose one hour. 一小時也不容我推遲。
- Utmost shame is to lose one's soul. 一個人最大的恥辱是喪失靈魂。
- Must lose one joy, by his life's star foretold. 這樣註定:他,為了信守一個盟誓;就非得拿犧牲一個喜悅作代價。
- I wish I could lose one pound each day. 但願我能一天減輕一半。
- I lose one at least once a month. 我一個月至少會丟掉一支雨傘.
- At 17 o'clock on on the 29th, the center moved to Sanya City in Hainan Province, about 180 km south-east of the sea, near the center of the largest wind 8 to 20 m / s wind speed. 29日17時,其中心移到海南省三亞市東南方約180公里的海面上,中心附近最大風力8級,達到20米/秒的風速。
- Gee, thanks. I lose one at least once a month. 乘客:哦,謝謝。我一個月至少會丟掉一支雨傘。
- To cause to lose one's bearings; disorient. 使失去方向;使迷失方向。
- Let' s wind up the plans. 讓我們把這些計劃訂完吧。
- Danglars did not lose one pang that Fernand endured. 騰格拉爾當然不會放過讓弗爾南多更加痛苦的機會。
- Taking Runyang Bridge over the Yangtze River as an example,effects of the nonlinear wind-structure interaction,wind speed spatial nonuniformity,and the cable s wind load on the aerosta. 以潤揚長江大橋為背景,進行了纜索風荷載、風與結構相互作用的非線性效應以及風速空間非均勻分佈等因素對大跨徑懸索橋空氣靜力和動力特性影響的數值分析。