- While riding a Gryphon you can look around in all directions to admire the scenery, watch other players beneath you, or simply get a new perspective on areas you've been. 當你騎在獅鷲上的時候,你能任意旋轉視角觀賞風景、看在你下面的玩家們、或者以另一個角度審視先前到過的區域。
- Tao Zi looks around in all directions and at last, she sees Tang Gulu. 陶子往四處張望,最後終於看見了唐咕嚕。
- He seized a stick and laid to in all directions. 他抓起一根棍棒向四下亂打。
- He looked around in all the junk that littered the ground for a long time, but still could not find it. 他在散落在地上的垃圾中翻找了許久,但還是沒有找到。
- The explosion sent us running in all directions. 那次爆炸把我們轟得東奔西逃。
- He fling himself upon his horse and ride madly off in all directions. 他猛地騎上馬背、瘋狂地向四面八方賓士去了。
- The molecules of a gas are moving about extremely fast in all directions. 氣體的分子非常迅速地向四面八方運動著。
- When the police arrived, the crowd scattered in all directions. 警察一到,人群就向四面八方散開了。
- Highways radiate in all directions. 公路四通八達。
- He looked around in the village. 「我該做什麼呢!」
- The fire is sprawling in all directions. 火勢正在向四周蔓延。
- Four people enter looking around in a curios way. 有四個人走了進來,好奇的四處張望。
- The fire fanned out in all directions. 大火向四周呈扇形蔓延。
- On a rainy day, Jane got to looking around in the attic and found some old pictures of Father. 一個下雨天,簡偶然在閣樓里尋找東西,卻找到了爸爸的一些舊照片。
- The forest fire fanned out in all directions. 森林大火向四面八方擴展開去。
- The panic-stricken fled in all directions. 驚慌的人群向四面八方逃去。
- The forest fire fanned out in all directions . 森林大火向四面八方擴展開去。
- Failure meant ruin in all directions. 失敗就等於全面破產。
- The virgins at sight of him fled in all directions. 少女們看到他都四處奔逃。