- Drived by CYCLO Reducer strong and long service time. 由CYCLO減壓器驅動,工作時間長且強勁。
- The systems are featured high automation easy installation, good system stability reliability, easy operation and long service time. 有其出水穩定,佔地面積小,自動化程度高,操作簡便,運行可靠,壽命長,勞動強度低等特點。
- The linear slide rail and aluminum alloy beam, along with linear bearing and high-rigidity bearing steel, are employed so as to meet the requirements of high-speed take-out, high efficiency, high precision and long service time. 下手臂均採用進口的線性滑軌和鋁合金擠型梁配合線性軸承及高剛性軸承鋼,能達到取出速度快、高效能、高精度、使用壽命長的要求。
- It was proved by practice that the newly designed speed reducer had a good reliability and long service time, which exerted great significance for normal operation of the producing plants. 實踐證明,新設計的旋轉模頭系統行星齒輪減速器可靠性好使用壽命長,為生產裝置的正常運行起到了極為重要的作用。
- An old soldier who has seen long service. 老戰士有過較長服役期的老兵
- Nonpoisonous light and long service life. 無毒、質輕、使用壽命長。
- Elastic sealing, no leakage and long service life. 彈性密封,零泄漏,使用壽命長。
- Stellite 6 seating faces for long service life. 鎢鉻鈷合金6閥座面,使用壽命更長。
- Academy service time from Tuesday to Friday, service by appointment. 學院模特服務時間周二至周五,服務時間需預約確認。
- She was presented with the gift in gratitude for her long service. 這禮物贈送給她以表達對她長期服務的感激之情。
- The cloth bag has long service life and can be changed easily. 清灰裝置耗能低,每小時用電小於、布袋使用壽命長,更換簡單方便。
- His long service with the company was acknowledged with a present. 向他贈送禮品以感謝他長期來對公司的服務。
- Made of corrosion resistant fiberglass material for long service. 防腐玻璃纖維材料提高使用壽命;
- So you are to receive a Long Service Medal on retirement? Big deal! 你退休時會獲頒長期服務獎章?那可真要感激流涕了!
- The company can no longer service its debts. 那家公司已無力支付債務利息。
- It receives pressure information from the transmitter on the backplate and then calculates remaining service time. 它在backplate上從傳送者那裡得到壓力訊息然後保持計算服務時間。
- The machine is working none the worse for its long service. 這部機器並不因使用的時間長而性能變差了。
- ICU continuously monitors: pressure, temperature, remaining service time, battery capacity and the user's motion. ICU連續顯視器︰壓力,溫度,服務時間,電池能力和用戶的運動保持。
- Good sealing,wear-resising,longer service life. 密封可靠,耐磨損,使用壽命長。
- Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁若是放置很久,就會發酵。