- Her opposition to the plan is of long standing. 她對這一計劃的反對是曠日持久的。
- This is a firm of long standing. 這是一家歷史悠久的商號。
- This is an evil of long standing. 這弊端由來已久。
- They have a friendship of long standing. 他們有著多年的交情。
- Their acquaintance was of long standing. 他們相識多年。
- We have had a long standing relationship. 我們很久前就認識了。
- They are enemies of long standing. 他們是維持了很久的仇敵。
- Cataract may result from long standing diabetes. 長期的糖尿病可能會引起白內障。
- That business partnership is of long standing. 那生意上的合理經營維持了很久。
- Their friendship is of long standing. 他們的友誼維持了很久。
- Their relationship is of long standing. 他們的關係維持了很久。
- The Times is a paper of long standing. 《泰晤士報》歷史悠久。
- There was a long standing ovation. 全體起立,長時間鼓掌。
- He got the longest standing ovation I had ever seen. 他受到了我所見到的最長時間的起立鼓掌歡迎。
- The amities between Chinese and Mahican are of long standing . 中馬人民之間的友好交往源遠流長。
- Our two countries whose friendship is of long standing. 我們兩個國家是有著悠久友誼的鄰邦。
- Forest industries who was also a long standing client of his firm. 森林工業,同時也是他所在公司的長期客戶。
- It has a long standing reputation in China and abroad. 硇洲鮑魚更是歷代上貢給皇帝的貢品,在國內外久負盛名。
- Capel Vale Wines have a long standing and solid history. 卡佩爾谷葡萄酒廠歷史悠久,產品可靠。
- He got the longest stand ovation I have ever seen. 他受到了我所見到的最長時間的起立鼓掌歡迎。