- The search,though long continued,proved unsuccessful. 雖然搜索了很久,仍然沒有結果。
- I have found it to be the most serious objection to coarse labors long continued, that they compelled me to eat and drink coarsely also. 我反對長時間的拚命做苦工的理由是它強迫我也拚命地吃和喝。
- But as a fact even after the discovery of the law of Copernicus, the Ptolemaic worlds long continued to be a subject of study. 但是,就在哥白尼體系被發現以後,托勒美的天動說還被研究了很長時間。
- And our warmest good wishes for her long continuing health and happiness. 恭祝女王陛下長壽、健康、愉快。
- Emergent light is no longer continuous. 透過的光不再是連續的。
- He bobbed about among men, a veritable bundle of enthusiasm--no power worthy the name of intellect, no thoughts worthy the adjective noble, no feelings long continued in one strain. 他在人群中活躍地走動,像一盆火一樣熱情,不過他並沒有可以稱得上智慧的才華,沒有一種可以稱得上高尚的思想,也沒有一種永恆持久的感情。
- From this preface, prefixed to poems in which it was impossible to deny the presence of original genius, however mistaken its direction might be deemed, arose the whole long continued controversy . 長序綴詩前,人們不能否認原創天才的存在,對詩歌方向的誤解是註定的,還有不少矛盾。
- Article 27 In case both parties agree to let the alienator continuously possess the chattel when the real right of a chattel is alienated, the real right shall go into effect upon the effectiveness of the agreement. 第二十七條動產物權轉讓時,雙方又約定由出讓人繼續佔有該動產的,物權自該約定生效時發生效力。
- In case both parties agree to let the alienator continuously possess the chattel when the real right of a chattel is alienated, the real right shall go into effect upon the effectiveness of the agreement. 動產物權轉讓時,雙方又約定由出讓人繼續佔有該動產的,物權自該約定生效時發生效力。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 轉寄給我們的郵件晚了很久才拿到。
- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的書你要借多久都隨你的便。
- AI will no longer continue to recruit armies in sieged provinces. AI不會再在和國教不同宗教的地區褻瀆聖地。
- Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁若是放置很久,就會發酵。
- The beggar spun a long yarn about his misfortunes. 那個乞丐編造了一大篇自己如何遭遇不幸的故事。
- You can view all the code in a module in one long continuous sheet rather than one procedure at a time. 您可以在一個長而連續的表內查看模塊中的所有代碼而不用一次只看一個過程。
- I saw nothing in this country that could invite me to a longer continuance. 我發現這個國家沒有什麼東西能夠吸引我作更長時間的逗留。
- The days move along with regularity, over and over. One day indistinguishable from the next. A long continuous chain. Then suddenly, there is a change. 日子一天一天的過去,天天如此,是漫長的枷鎖,但突然出現轉變。
- How long will our food supplies hold out? 我們的儲糧還能維持多久?
- Sudan and Mauritania pave the way for deeper and long continueing friendship as theirs foreign ministers sign nine memos of understanding. 蘇丹和茅利塔尼亞外交部長共同簽署了九項備忘錄,為他們深遠而持久的友誼鋪路。
- Cover chassis, reboot and re-install the system, everything is normal, long continuous operation, the fault does not appear again. 蓋好機箱后,重新開機並重新安裝系統,一切正常,長時間連續運行,上述故障再未出現。