- CAPULET: What noise is this? Give me my long sword, ho! 凱普萊特:什麼事吵得這人樣子!喂!把我的長劍拿來。
- Six gems plus one sword transmute into a socketed long sword. 把六枚寶石和一把劍放進去,可以變形成一把有凹槽的長劍。
- For use in melee, Genoese Crossbowmen are also equipped with a long sword. 為了肉搏熱那亞十字弓手也會裝備一柄長劍。
- Unlike the usual long sword, it is not curved but rather straight bladed. 與通常的長劍,這不是彎曲而是直刃。
- For use in melee Genoese Crossbowmen are also equipped with a long sword. 弩兵們同時還配有長劍,以備近身肉搏。
- Now, the old man's face ashen, slowly dropping was the long sword in his hand. 那老者臉如土色,手中長劍的劍尖慢慢垂了下來。
- Chief Zuo strode up to his disciple and lashed forth his long sword toward the sable, which was on Gong's face again. 左子穆踏上兩步,長劍倏地遞出,這時那貂兒又已奔到龔光傑臉上,左子穆挺劍向貂兒刺去。
- Otherwise in my hand sharp long sword, still might be relentless seals your throat, cannot breathe again. 不然我手中犀利的長劍,仍然可以毫不留情的封上你喉嚨,再也不能呼吸。
- In Gansu area there's such non-block long sword spreaded,and the scabbard is relative to ataman Dao. 甘肅一帶藏區有流傳這種無擋長刀,鞘把與哥沙克刀有淵源。
- But a piece of great work is more charming than a conqueror waving a long sword. 沒有靈魂的肉體好似乾屍,文字可以化腐朽為神奇。
- A well polished blade should be as a smooth mirror which is as brother Wudao's long sword. 精心打磨的劍身應當光滑的象鏡子一樣就象無刀兄的狹長之劍。
- This long sword is etched with faerie runes, granting+1 Healing Rate and10% Fire, Cold and Electrical Resistance when equipped. 這把長弓上雕刻著神秘的符號,裝備者獲得加1的生命恢復速度和10%25火抗性,冰抗性,電抗性。
- This long sword is etched with faerie runes, granting +1 Healing Rate and 10% Fire, Cold and Electrical Resistance when equipped. 這把長弓上雕刻著神秘的符號,裝備者獲得加1的生命恢復速度和10%25的火抗性,冰抗性,電抗性。
- Seeing this, Zuo Zimu took two steps forward and promptly jabbed with his long sword at the ermine, which now was on his disciple's face. 左子穆踏上兩步,長劍倏地遞出,這時那貂兒又已奔到龔光傑臉上,左子穆挺劍便向貂公刺去。
- The primary weapon is the long sword, which is approximately 3 feet in length, sharp on the outer-curved edge with the mid-weight point centering just above the hilt. 主要武器是長劍,這是大約3英尺長的,尖銳的外邊緣曲線與中旬圍繞體重點上方的劍柄。
- Noted for his weapons skills, Toede achieves expert status in spear, long sword and short sword, mace, morning star, longbow, short bow, dagger, rapier, poignard, staff, knife, bludgeon and truncheon, not to mention the martial arts. 由於他武器方面的技能,投德在長矛、長劍、短劍、錘棍、釘頭槌、長弓、短弓、匕首、細劍、銳匕、長棍、小刀、短棒、警棍方面都取得了專家的稱號,更不要提武術了。
- I have been curious as to why the late roman army moved away from the gladius to a longer sword. 我對為什麼羅馬帝國晚期的軍隊放棄短劍改用長劍感到好奇。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 轉寄給我們的郵件晚了很久才拿到。
- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的書你要借多久都隨你的便。
- Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁若是放置很久,就會發酵。