- He is determined to stay in the saddle at all cost. 他打定主意要不惜一切代價繼續掌權。
- A business must stay in the black to keep on. 一個公司必須盈利才能維持。
- Do you plan to make a long stay in this part? 你打算在這一帶多待嗎?
- We were packed off to stay in the country. 都把我們送到鄉下去了。
- How long will I have to stay in the hospital? 我得在醫院住多久呢?
- Do you intend to make a long stay in London? 你打算在倫敦長住嗎?
- How long did you stay in the zoo? 你在動物園呆了多長時間?
- He made few friends during his stay in the village. 他在這個村子逗留的期間,沒有交上幾個朋友。
- How long did you stay in the orphanage? 你在孤兒院待多久?
- long stay in the Jia's 長住賈府
- How long do I have to stay in the hospital? 我必須要住院多久?
- How long will you stay in the U.S.? 你將在美國待多久?
- How long you do intend to stay in the U. S. A. ? 你打算在美國呆多久?
- It was raining; they had to stay in the inn the whole day. 下雨了,他們不得不在旅館里待了一整天。
- Naturally, a business must stay in the black to keep on. 當然一個企業,必須營利才能維持。
- Nor longer stay in your curst company. 打起架來,你的手比我快得多;
- He stays in the swankiest hotels. 他住最奢華的旅館。
- In his youth he had stayed in the monastery. 他年輕時在這個修道院待過。
- This obliged us to stay in the rear. 這迫使我們留在後方。
- Kites could stay in the air for many hours. 風箏能一連好幾個小時留在空中。