- Several of our client have receive long prison sentence. 我們客戶中有好幾個被判處長期徒刑。
- Long prison sentences can be a very effective deterrent for offenders. 判處長期徒刑可對違法者起到強有力的威懾作用。
- His prison sentence has been remitted. 他的監禁刑罰已獲得赦免。
- Among the items mentioned were: a crackdown on street-racing, longer prison sentences for crimes involving guns, and fewer house arrests. 這些項目包括:打擊街道賽車,對涉及槍支的犯罪延長監獄刑罰,和減少家庭監視居住。
- Some people think the best way of reducing crime is to give longer prison sentences. 有些人認為最好的方法就是給減少犯罪延長監獄句子。
- He served a three-year prison sentence. 他在監獄中服了3年刑。
- A prison sentence should match the severity of the crime. 刑期長短要和罪行輕重一致。
- Spiking a drink can lead to a ten-year prison sentence. 往飲料里摻加烈酒能判十年監禁。
- The judge's verdict was quashed and their prison sentences set aside. 法官的裁決被撤消了,他們的入獄判決被駁回了。
- A commutable prison sentence. 可減刑的監獄判決
- That short prison sentence has done Wilfred good. He's come out determined to keep his nose clean in future. 威爾弗雷德受到的短期監禁對他有好處,他出來后決定今後洗手不幹。
- Because the criminal was a repeat offender, the judge threw the book at him with heavy fines and a long prison term. 由於那個罪犯是一名慣犯;於是法官決定從重量刑;科以高額的罰金及較長的邢期.
- President Bush is defending his decision to commute a 30-month prison sentence for Lewis "Scooter" Libby. 總統布希正為自己的決定辯護,他提出對已被判決30個月監禁的劉易斯·利比減刑。
- The prison sentences will run concurrently. 所判的幾個刑期合併執行。
- There were extenuating circumstances and the defendant did not receive a prison sentence. 因有可減輕罪行的情節被告未被判刑。
- Some spoke in great anger, others tearfully, and many said Madoff ruined them financially and urged the judge to give him a long prison term. 一些人滿腔憤怒,一些人淚流滿面,很多人說,麥道夫從經濟上把他們毀滅了,要求法官判處他長期徒刑。
- He escaped a prison sentence by reason of unsound mind at the time the crime was committed. 他以犯罪時精神不正常為由逃過了監禁刑罰。
- Indonesia routinely hands down harsh penalties for narcotics offe es. Several foreigners have recently been sentenced to death or long prison terms. 印度尼西亞通常對犯毒品罪的人處以嚴厲的刑罰。最近已經有幾名外籍人士被判處死刑或長期監禁。
- In 1968, my father, declared as a Capitalist-roader and Soviet-revisionist spy, committed suicide after his long prison life. 1968年被打成「走資派」和「蘇修特務」並被長期拘押的父親自殺。
- Because the third felony does not have to be violent or serious, it will lead to trigger the heavy mandatory prison sentence. 因為第三次的罪行不必是暴力的或是嚴重的,就可以導致強制執行的重判