- Aston, England - long and short configurations. 英國阿斯頓,包括了長距離和短距離兩種設置。
- The long and short of it is that he can't cope. 總之,他這人不善應付。
- The long and short of the matter is that the man is no actor. 總之,此人非演戲之才。
- The long and short of it is that the plan was a failure. 總之,那計劃告吹了。
- This example demonstrates how to handle long and short quotations. 演示了怎樣去處理長篇和短篇的引文。
- The article makes a comparison between properties of long and short fiber polyester base materials and analyzes the effects of the two materials on properties of modified bitumen membrane. 比較了長纖聚酯胎和短纖聚酯胎的性能和基於這兩類胎體的改性瀝青卷材的性能,分析了長纖和短纖聚酯胎對改性瀝青卷材性能的不同影響。
- There are two ways that lead to graphitized damage on the surface of diamond films under long and short laser pulses.For nanosecond or longer laser pul... 金剛石薄膜石墨化有兩種方式:垂直表面向體層方向石墨化和平行表面按分層的方式逐層石墨化。
- The prohibition in the Act of 1887 against discrimination in charges for long and short hauls was strengthened. 1887年法案中禁止對長短程運輸收費不平等的規定加強了。
- The "wave sound" of the cento imitates the singing style of "nugula" both existing in Mongolian long and short tune. 組曲出現的「波音」,是模仿蒙古族長、短調中普遍存在的類似「諾古拉」的演唱方式。
- The long and short of it is this: no major transportation revolution has ever progressed in the U.S. without substantial federal involvement. 這件事的要點就是:從來沒有一件交通方面重大興革未經聯邦大力支援而有的進展。
- Follow-up the critical path of establish of the overall long and short term goals, objectives and priorities needs. 跟進所有短期和長期進度表以滿足工作目標和需要。
- The following table gives the long and short names for each attribute, as well as a description. 下表給出了每個屬性的長名稱和短名稱以及說明。
- He kicked in after a long and painful illness. 經過長期痛苦的疾病之後,他死了。
- The novel and short story are different genres. 長篇小說和短篇故事是不同的類別。
- Well, that's the long and short of it. Jill told Jack that she wanted to break up with him. 總之這就是事情的重點。吉爾告訴傑克她要和他分手。
- L values differ for long and short trips and for this reason trips have to be stratified by trip cost. l值隨行程的長短而異,因此,必須把行程用行程費用來劃分。
- Eels are long and difficult to catch. 鱔魚很長而且很難抓住。
- Subdivide three vertical partings and sculpt alternately short, long and short lengths using 90 degree projection and a vertical finger position. 細分三垂直的分別而且雕刻交替短,長的和短長度使用90度發射和一個垂直的手指位置。
- A combination of long and short stitches with the short stitch visible on the right side. 這是一組長短針跡組合的針法,短針跡在面料的正面看得見。
- Your launch philosophy should encompass plans for both the long and short terms. 你的發行理念應該包括長期和短期的計劃。