- He saw them loiter around the garden. 他看見他們在花園四周徘徊。
- There are several young boys loitering around the building. 這棟房子周圍有幾個小男孩在晃蕩。
- Jerry: Sure, it's like robbing a bank: you don't loiter around in front of the teller holding that big bag of money. You come in, you hit and get out. 傑瑞:是啊。這就像搶銀行:你可不會提溜著那一大袋子搶來的錢,在櫃員面前晃悠。你進來,搶完走人。
- He was loitering around the street. 他在街上閑逛。
- No matter who you are, if you loiter around in the lane for a while, your mind will become as unruffled as the ancient well at the end of the lane. There you will experience a kind of peaceful calmness rather than gloomy sternness. 無論誰,只要你到巷裡去腳跟一會,你的心情就會如巷尾不波的古井,那是一種和平的靜穆,而不是陰森和肅殺。
- loiter around (the street corner) 閑逛 (街角一帶)
- Please do not loiter in one street after school. 放學后,請不要在街頭徘徊。
- There's a shifty-looking man loitering around the gate; shall I call the police? 有一個模樣鬼鬼祟祟的人在大門口附近徘徊,要不要我叫警察?
- We drove on past the Arc de Triomphe.A few sightseers were loitering around the remains of the Unknown Soldier. 我們駛過凱旋門,幾個遊覽者在無名英雄紀念墓附近遊盪。
- "Great," he thought "yet another little critterthat is going to be loitering around in my house. 「太棒了,」他心裡想,「馬上就會有另外一種小生物天天在家裡溜達了。」
- "Great," he thought "yet another little critter that is going to be loitering around in my house. 「太棒了,」他心裡想,「馬上就會有另外一種小生物天天在家裡溜達了.
- For now, no one seems to have investigated the cluster of men loitering around the Shenzhen ticket office after hours. 到目前為止,似乎還沒有人調查那些在深圳車站售票處附近終日遊盪的人。
- Don't loiter away the afternoon, Jimmy. 吉米,別把下午的時間閑混過去了。
- When you notice a suspicious person loitering around your house, immediately contact the police. 如果發現有可疑的人在房子附近徘徊,請馬上報警。
- The thug grappled him around the neck. 那個歹徒抓住了他的脖子。
- Whoever loiters around in the lane for a while, he will enjoy a mood as calm as the age-old well in the end of the lane. 小巷的動人處就是她無比的悠閑。無論誰,只要你到巷裡去躑躅一會,心情就會如巷尾不波的古井,那是一種和平的靜穆,而不是陰森和肅殺,它鬧中取靜,別有天地,仍是人間。
- At those full of pain days, once I loitered around the desolate arboretum, when I walked a long time and felt tired, I sat on a big stone. 在那些最痛苦的日子裡,我曾經一個人躑躅在荒涼的植物園裡。走累了便找到一塊石頭坐下。
- According to the record date and the group's condition, we reckoned these were non-breeding individuals loitering around. 根據記錄日期和群體情況,我們認為這是一些不參與繁殖的個體,在此遊盪。
- He had been bumming around the park all day. 他在公園裡盪了一整天了。
- This enjoyment is then associated with "stupid" rocks and with figures of old people loitering around underneath its shade,as we so often see in Chinese paintings. 這種欣賞又和「頑」石與在樹蔭下閒蕩著的老人的形狀發生關係,這是中國繪畫中常常可以看見的。