- The planes formed up over the airfield. 飛機在機場上空排成隊列。
- Guards patrolled the perimeter of the airfield. 衛兵沿機場四周巡邏。
- The airfield is bounded by woods on all sides. 飛機場的四周都是樹林。
- The rebellious troops ringed the airfield. 叛軍包圍了機場。
- The perimeter of the airfield is protected by guard-dogs. 機場外的環形防衛圈由警犬保衛著。
- A large passenger aircraft will land on the airfield. 一架大型民航班機將降落在這個飛機場。
- We must prolong the runway of the airfield. 我們必須加長機場跑道。
- One end of the farm is butting on the airfield. 農場的一端與機場相接。
- Your first logistical obstacle is the robes. 你第一個麻煩就是弄到律師袍。
- There is ten planes in the airfield. 飛機場上有十架飛機。
- Second,it should promote logistical efficiency. 第二,包裝應能促進物流效率。
- The airfield was seized by enemy troops. 機場被敵軍搶佔。
- The second is how logistical strike works. 第二個是後勤打擊的工作方式。
- The firm decided to bid on the new airfield. 該公司決定投標爭取承建新機場。
- "Parana was already a logistical problem. 巴拉那已經成為一個後勤問題。
- The airfield is ringed with armoured cars. 機場被裝甲車包圍了。
- You must grasp logistical efficiencies. 答:你該掌握點後勤知識了。
- The aeroplanes landed on the airfield. 飛機在機場降落。
- Aerobatic flights over airfield up to2000 m. 花樣飛行在機場上空,高度2000米。
- Near it lies a very large airfield. 附近有一個很大的飛機