- Do you know how to log in to the system? 你知道怎麼登錄進入這個系統嗎?
- A trailer or dwelling place on wheels. 活動住房用汽車拖拽的住所
- I reached for a floating log with my foot. 我伸腳去鉤取一段漂浮著的木頭。
- They are sawing a log into planks. 他們把原木鋸成一塊塊厚板。
- They broke down the door with a big heavy log. 他們用一根粗大的木頭將門砸開。
- log trailer 木料拖車
- He transports his boat by putting it on a trailer behind his car. 他將小艇放在汽車後面的拖車上運輸。
- They attached the trailer to the car. 他們把拖車掛在汽車後面。
- The tractor took up the slack and pulled the trailer out of the mud. 拖拉機拉緊拖纜把拖車從泥中拉了出來。
- That's a car with a trailer hitched on to it at the back of the road. 路上有一輛背後掛著一輛拖車的汽車。
- The captain of the ship entered the details in the log. 船長把詳細情況記入航海日誌中。
- Joe was chopping at a tree when I walked past his log cabin. 我走經喬的小木屋時,他在砍樹。
- I connected the trailer to the car. 我把拖車接在汽車后。
- It also allow you to log event and generate report on web activity. 也允許您記載事件併產生Web活動的報告。
- The captain described the accident in the ship's log. 船長在航海日誌中描述了這次事故。
- A trailer was attached to the rear of the truck. 卡車後面掛了一輛拖車。
- We hooked the trailer to the back of the car. 我們把拖車掛在汽車尾部。
- A division on a log line used to measure the speed of a ship. 測速繩結用來測量船速的計速繩上的一段
- From Trailer] I put him in the septic tank. (從預告片上)我把他丟進了化糞池裡。
- They detached their trailer and set up camp. 他們卸下挂車,支起帳篷。