- Fives connect wreath to lock together. 五個連環鎖在一起。
- A device, such as a wedge or pin, inserted to lock together mechanical or structural parts. 楔、栓象楔、栓一樣的一種裝置,插入以使機械或結構部件鎖在一起
- When two dry surfaces are placed against each other they may lock together. 兩塊乾燥物體的表面相對放在一起,它們就可能卡
- The lovers were locked together in a long kiss. 那對戀人互相擁抱在一起,長久接吻。
- A device,such as a wedge or pin,inserted to lock together mechanical or structural parts. 楔、栓象楔、栓一樣的一種裝置,插入以使機械或結構部件鎖在一起
- Two cars locked together in passing. 兩車交會時互相卡住了。
- Her teeth locked together in anger. 她氣得咬緊牙關。
- His teeth locked together in anger. 他氣得咬牙切齒。
- Locomotor Mortis Description: This is the Leg-Locker Curse. The charm will cause the victim's legs to lock together making them unable to walk. 這是個鎖腿咒。這個咒語可以使被害者的腿緊鎖在一起而不能走路。
- And it should not go unnoticed that the true natural sciences lock together in theory and evidence to form the ineradicable technical base of modern civilization. 不能不加以注意的是真正的自然科學和構成現代文明不可根除的技術基礎的理論和依據是緊密聯繫的。
- As the hot mixture cools off, the long strands of animal protein lock together into a solid framework, trapping tiny droplets of liquid water in the process. 當熱混合物變涼,長長的動物蛋白絲會鎖攏形成一個固體框架,在這個過程中捕捉微滴的液態水。
- They are locked together in a fierce quarrel over a trivial matter. 他們為了一點小事而吵得難分難解。
- But I am actually very good at designing i ovative bricks- bricks that lock together in ways that make it easier for builders, bricks with colours and textures that co umers like, that the builder who wants a bit of flair will strive for. 世界在不斷變化,我不是最好的制磚工人,但我實際上很擅長設計具有創新意味的磚,比如磚與磚結合在一起的方式使建築工人工作起來更簡單方便、的顏色和紋路更受顧客歡迎,那些想有些變化的建築工都願意使用。
- But I am actually very good at designing innovative bricks- bricks that lock together in ways that make it easier for builders, bricks with colours and textures that consumers like, that the builder who wants a bit of flair will strive for. 世界在不斷變化,我不是最好的制磚工人,但我實際上很擅長設計具有創新意味的磚,比如磚與磚結合在一起的方式使建築工人工作起來更簡單方便、的顏色和紋路更受顧客歡迎,那些想有些變化的建築工都願意使用。
- Let me get my bits and pieces together. 讓我把我的零碎東西收拾起來。
- He chiseled a hole in the door to fit a new lock. 他在門上鑿了個孔,以便裝一把新鎖。
- This lock can only be opened from the inside. 這把鎖只能從裡面打開。
- He put the key in the lock and turned it. 他把鑰匙插入鎖里轉動。
- Young couples or couples often put two large Italian lock together locked in tiptop iron around, to show to tie the knot, which has become locked in the museum. 年輕的情侶或夫婦常把兩把大鎖扣意一起鎖在絕頂四周鐵上,以示永結同心,所以這裡已成鎖的博物館。
- We must put a new lock on the front door. 我們得在前門上安一把新鎖。