- Local officials in Henan under house arrest. 但她的情況得到國際關注后,他們不得允許她旅遊。
- Local officials volunteered to serve the community. 當地官員自願為社區服務。
- They immediately sent a message to the local officials. 他們立刻給地方官員發送了一條消息。
- Local officials say the clash took place Monday night in Kandahar province. 地方官員說,衝突星期一晚間發生在坎大哈省。
- The central government has cautioned local officials against being overzealous. 中央政府曾警告北京地方官員不要過頭。
- The local officials were proud to host rowing, canoeing, and kayaking. 當地官員對主辦划船、皮划艇、激流迴旋等賽事而頗感自豪。
- Local officials are accusing Wu of extortion and blackmail. more ... 地方政府指控他犯敲詐勒索罪。更多 ...
- Local officials also have to realise that downtowns have changed for ever. 他還認為,當地的官員也應當意識到,城鎮中心的格局已經徹底的永遠的改變了。
- Then each case must be reported as an"unnatural death"to local officials. 然後,每個安樂死的病例必須以「非正常死亡」上報當地官員。
- In some areas, pirates pay local officials to hide them from the law. 在一些地區,海盜賄賂當地官員幫助他們逃避法律制裁。
- Local officials shut their eyes to memos from the central government. 地方官員對中央政府下文置若罔聞。
- They're also a signal to local officials to stop bickering over power usage. 它們同樣是一個使地方官員停止對能源使用方案的爭吵的信號。
- A local official said there were no deaths. 一個本地的官員說沒有人因此死亡。
- Local officials hoped that the freed people would not take part in extremist groups in the future. 當地官員表示,希望獲釋的人今後不要再參加激進組織的活動。
- The support given to the rebels by local officials put the central government in a difficult position. 當地官員對反叛者的支持使中央政府處於艱難的境地。
- Polluters and corrupt local officials in China are diverting poverty relief funds intended to avert hardship. 污染企業和地方腐敗官員沒有把扶貧款用到實處。
- Local officials say the army imposed a curfew in the town after re-taking control of the buildings. 當地官員說,軍方重新控制這些建筑後實行了宵禁。
- A local official says most poor bereaved families do the same. 當地官員稱許多剛喪失親人的貧困家庭都這樣做。
- Our commercial section is arranging a series of seminars to expose local officials to WTO principles. 使館商務處組織了一系列的研討會,使當地官員了解WTO的原則。
- Unfortunately, activist judges and some local officials have made an aggressive attempt to redefine marriage in recent years. 不幸的是,近些年來一些激進的法官以及地方官員一直妄圖想重新賦予婚姻新的定義。