- The flame temperature is lower, thus giving a longer barrel life. 火焰溫度較低,因而可使炮管壽命較長。
- Flame temperature measurements can be used as a guide in discussing enevgetics of a homogeneous propellant. 火焰溫度的測定可作為討論均質推進劑能量特性的指導。
- Flame temperature measurements can be used as a guide in discussing energetics of a homogeneous propellant. 火焰溫度的測定可作為討論均質推進劑能量特性的指導。
- The reconstruction algorithm plays a key role in reconstructing acoustically the flame temperature field in coal-burning boiler hearth. 摘要在聲學法燃煤鍋爐爐膛火焰溫度場重建中,重建演算法是實現溫度場重建的關鍵。
- The effect of initial CO_2 concentration on the flame temperature of CH_4 is complex in the oxidizing atmosphere, there being a critical concentration. 在完全燃燒和氧化性氣氛下 ,初始CO2 濃度的存在對CH4火焰溫度分佈的影響則比較複雜 ,存在一個初始CO2 濃度臨界點 ,在此臨界點前後 ,CO2 濃度對CH4火焰的溫度水平分別有著不同的影響 ;
- The new theory flame temperature experience formula has been exportted by means of tuyere direct thermoscope and routine calculation formula. 通過風口直接測溫及常規法計算推導出新理論燃燒溫度經驗公式;
- Adiabatic flame temperature of hydrocarbon, coal with air and hydrogen with Oxygen was calculated by NASA computer program at extensive pressure and air/ fuel ratio ranges. 本文利用NASA計算機程序~(**)計算了廣泛壓力和混氣比情況下烴、煤和空氣燃燒以及氫和氧燃燒的絕熱火焰溫度,整理得到了分別適用於烴、煤、氫的絕熱火焰溫度經驗表達式。
- In the study of measuring the flame temperature field by the method of image processing, how to reconstruct the three-dimensional temperature field from two-dimensional accumulative images of the flame is the key. 在運用圖像處理的方法測量火焰溫度場的研究中,從攝像機獲取的二維累積圖像中重建出包含每個斷面溫度分佈的三維溫度場,是關係到能否投入實際應用的關鍵同題。
- Based on absorption phenomena of infrared radiation in medium and CT technology, a two dimensional flame temperature distribution diagnosis method was proposed, which was named as infrared radiation absorption CT technology. 利用紅外輻射在介質中的吸收現象 ;結合計算機斷層掃描攝影 (CT)技術 ;提出了紅外輻射吸收CT法測量火焰溫度的概念 .
- A simplified raceway model of the shaft furnace was build based on the force balance at the raceway border and by considering the influences of flame temperature and effective raceway diameter etc. 基於迴旋區邊界上力的平衡,並考慮理論燃燒溫度和有效直徑等的影響,建立了同類型豎爐風口迴旋區的簡化模型。
- Monitor and control the flame temperature during the combustion process, reducing fuel use to achieve the same energy production numbers, while helping to reduce GHG emissions to regulatory levels. 監控和控制燃燒過程中的火焰溫度,減少燃料用量達到相同的能源生產數,同時有助於減少溫室氣體排氣放,符合管制水平。
- Its unique design with a wide range of flame temperatures makes it ideal for a large variety of on ratio and excess air operations. 大範圍火焰溫度的獨特設計使得該產品是一款多種空燃比例和過量空氣燃燒的理想燃燒器。
- A syndicate of local businessmen is bidding for the contract. 一個當地企業家的聯合組織在向這一合同投標。
- My husband is a history teacher at the local school. 我丈夫是本地學校的一位歷史教師。
- His son was indentured to the local blacksmith. 他的兒子拜當地的鐵匠為師簽訂了師徒合同。
- Adiabatic flame temperatures of some Ti-alloys were calculated by the method of minimization of total Gibbs energy with constrained constant total enthalpy. 根據絕熱條件下體系平衡時總自由焓最小和焓恆定原理,計算了不同環境溫度下鈦合金的絕熱燃燒溫度。
- Barry is the new news hawk at the local newspaper. 巴利是這家地方報紙最新聘任的新聞記者。
- I booked my holiday through my local travel agent. 我是由本地的旅遊代理人預先安排的度假事宜。
- He's a paint sprayer in the local factory. 他在當地工廠當噴漆工。