- a local despot; a local tyrant; a local chieftai 土皇帝
- He is every inch a local despot . 他徹頭徹尾是個土皇帝。
- The local tyrant ruled fishing there. 地方上的惡霸控制了那裡的捕魚業。
- The local despot trenched on the temple's property. 當地惡霸侵佔了寺廟的廟產。
- He was a local despot, who committed all kinds of crimes. 他獨霸一方,為非作歹。
- He is a local despot, stopping at nothing in doing evil. 他是個惡霸,無惡不作。
- The local despot trenched on the temple rs property. 當地惡霸侵佔了寺廟的廟產。
- He's a local despot, stopping at nothing.in doing evil. 他是個惡霸,無惡不作。
- He's a local despot, stopping at nothing in doing evil. 他是個惡霸,無惡不作。
- As he had upheld justice by killing a local tyrant, he had fled home and wandered about for many years. 因仗義除霸有家不能歸,已流落江湖五、六年了。
- Local tyrant was the hereditary chieftain of China's minority ethnic groups in the ancient times. 土官是世襲其職的少數民族首領。
- A local tyrant or one of the evil gentry is arrested and sent to the county jail;he is locked up and the county magistrate has to try him and punish him. 把土豪劣紳捉了,送進知事公署的監獄,關起來,要知事辦他的罪。
- Fishermen organized spontaneously to struggle against the local despot that had monopolized the fishing market. 漁民們自發地組織起來共同對抗漁霸。
- This local tyrant must pay so much, that member of the evil gentry so much, the sums ranging from tens to thousands of yuan. 在這些罪名之下,農民議決,某土豪罰款若干,某劣紳罰款若干,自數十元至數千元不等。
- Years ago, REDY was being humilated by the local tyrant HAUN Fei, but she was escaped under her mother's helped. 原來多年前,紅姑娘給惡霸項飛凌辱,幸得其母撞破,才得脫身,但其母卻慘遭毒手,因此紅便籍酒樓以引出兇手。
- The local tyrant always gets a rise out of girls from decent families, and the common people hated him very much. 這個惡霸專門招惹良家女子,百姓們恨透了他。
- The features of a local despot are portrayed incisively and graphically,revealing Zhang's desire to expose and attack improper power. 把一個惡霸刻畫得淋漓盡致。表現了對惡勢力的揭露和抨擊。
- This local tyrant must pay so much,that member of the evil gentry so much,the sums ranging from tens to thousands of yuan. 在這些罪名之下,農民議決,某土豪罰款若干,某劣紳罰款若干,自數十元至數千元不等。
- If it demanded the arrest of a local tyrant in the morning, the magistrate dared not delay till noon;if it demanded arrest by noon, he dared not delay till the afternoon. 農民協會要早晨捉土豪劣紳,知事不敢挨到中午,要中午捉,不敢挨到下午。
- Local tyrant Chiu Ba-tin wants to abduct a local girl, Siu-lan.But someone in a mask stops him and kills his man.Chiu meets Au Yuet-wa. 惡霸趙霸天欲強搶民女小蘭,為幪面大俠所阻,並且殺死他的爪牙,二人結下樑子。