- Maximum Load Section Mobile Communications, 最大承載區間
- This paper introduces the problems existing in the loading section of the belt conveyer, analyzes on some treating methods, and puts forward some more scientific solving methods. 介紹了膠帶輸送機轉(裝)載區存在的問題,並就一些常見的處理方法進行了分析,同時提出了較科學的解決辦法。
- The ship was loaded with cargo fore and aft. 這條船從船頭到船尾裝滿了貨物。
- Bind down the ropes around the load on the lorry. 把繞在卡車上貨物外面的繩子紮緊。
- He loaded his pages with references. 他在文章中引用大量參考資料。
- The bough was loaded with fruit. 樹枝上果實累累。
- The horse pulled a cart loaded with potatoes. 馬拉著一輛裝滿土豆的板車。
- She will not shove the heavy load onto others. 她不願意把重擔推給別人。
- That gun must be loaded with0.22 bullets. 那支槍必須裝0。22英寸直徑的子彈。
- Debris was being loaded into skips. 垃圾正被裝進廢料車內。
- His brothers and sisters loaded him with books. 他的哥哥姐姐送給他許多書。
- The ship was loaded down with extra cargo. 額外的貨物使船裝載超重。
- The Mets loaded the bases with two singles and a base on balls. 麥茲隊以兩支安打和一次保送而佔滿壘。
- No sooner had his luggage been loaded than the jeep started off. 他的行李剛一裝上車,吉普車就開走了。
- The fully loaded truck hit a rock and tumbled over. "這輛滿載的卡車碰在一塊岩石上,翻倒了。"
- The maximum load for this lorry is one ton. 這輛卡車最大載重量是一噸。
- Lack of sufficient education loaded the dice against Jack. 沒有獲得足夠的教育使傑克吃了虧。
- I've never heard such a load of garbage! 這麽胡說八道我還從來沒聽說過。
- Her grief was a heavy load to bear. 她心情沉重,悲不自勝。
- The nurse bears a load of anxiety. 那個護士焦慮不已。