- A fire hisses if water is thrown on it. 把水澆到火上,火就發出嘶嘶聲。
- She wears her clothes as if they are thrown on her with a pitch- fork. 她把衣裳穿成像是用草耙拋上身上的樣子。
- The team was thrown on(to) the defensive as their opponents rallied. 該隊在對手重整旗鼓後,被迫採取守勢。
- So the scraps were thrown on to the waste heap. 於是這些碎片被扔進了廢品堆。
- The ship was thrown on the coast. 那艘船被浪打到岸上去了。
- One neighbor had paint thrown on his car. 有位鄰人的車被人噴了漆。
- Stocks are going to be thrown on the market. 股票將要繼續在市場上拋售。
- His room was in a terrible state. There were books and clothes thrown on the bed any old how. 他的房子亂七八糟。書籍、衣服都隨隨便便地扔在床上。
- To throw on the ground, as in wrestling. 摔到地上,如在摔角中
- He threw on his overcoat and hurried out. 他匆忙披上大衣,趕了出去。
- He threw on his clothes when the bell rang. 鈴響時,他匆忙把衣服穿上。
- She wears her clothes as if they were thrown on with a pitchfork. 她身上的衣服就像被扔在乾草叉上。
- The ball bounded back when it was thrown on the wall. 球扔到牆上彈了回來。
- The sailor who had lost everything by shipwreck said that he was thrown on his beam-ends. 在海難事件中喪失一切的海員說,他已經面臨窮途末路了。
- Sauna:Bath in steam from water thrown on heated stones. 芬蘭浴: 水在加熱的石頭上蒸發出水蒸氣並用以沐浴的方法。
- Sauna:Bath in steam from water thrown on heated stones. 芬蘭浴:水在加熱的石頭上蒸發出水蒸氣並用以沐浴的方法。
- We propose the light to throw on this disheartening tragedy. 我們對這樁令人沮喪的悲劇提出我們的說明。
- The team was thrown on(to)the defensive as their opponents rallied. 該隊在對手重整旗鼓后;被迫採取守勢.
- Gleams can be thrown on the secret, inklings given, but no more. 我們雖可從些許眉目中略知一二,然而僅限於這些鳳毛麟角。
- IT wears IT clothes as if them were thrown on with a pitchfork. 她身上的衣服就像被扔在乾草叉上。