- At that time, taxes and levies were as many as the hairs on an ox. 那時, 苛捐雜稅多如牛毛。
- Do not know this is what exorbitant taxes and levies! 不知道這是什麼苛捐雜稅!
- US's taxpayers possibly must pay higher taxes and levies, afterward also has the withstanding inflation puzzle. 美國的納稅人可能要支付更高的稅賦,之後還有承受通貨膨脹的困擾。
- The overseas buyers must bear the correlation local taxes and levies expense and the customs entrance rule. 海外買家們需承擔相關當地稅項費用和海關入口條例。
- Before liberation there were exorbitant taxes and levies of every sort under the sun. 解放前,苛捐雜稅,名目繁多。
- According to 1932 statistics, the Chinese peasants were subjected to 1,656 kinds of exorbitant taxes and levies, which took away 60-90 percent of their harvests. 據統計,1932年,僅苛捐雜稅的名目就多達1656種,捐額約佔農民收穫量的60%25至90%25。
- And when the town for treasure to tailor "chan" (role) he was named xu chivalrous man charged object of exorbitant taxes and levies. 而為尋寶來到小鎮當了裁縫的「成龍」(角色名為徐俠客)正是他收取苛捐雜稅的對象。
- Thus far our analysis has ignored the effects of migrants on taxes and public spending. 至此,我們的分析還一直沒有談到移民對稅收和公共支出的影響。
- Faced with the exorbitant taxes and levies payable to the government, the shop has come under tremendous financial pressure. 朝廷的不斷苛索,更叫鼎豐盛百上加斤。
- The explorer live on a monotonous diet of bean and rice. 探險者靠吃豆子和米飯這些單調的食物為生。
- The government is right of railroad give aid to main body gives taxes and levies of land, derate, goods and materials to supply now.. 政府對鐵路的扶持主要體現在贈予土地、減免捐稅、物資供給...
- But in the viewpoint of people, nobody would like the exorbitant taxes and levies;not to mention the endless services and penal sheets. 可是站在老百姓的立場,又有哪個人會對那些苛捐雜稅、還有做不完的勞役,以及交不完的罰單欣然接受呢!
- I had to live on bread and water when I was a student. 我上大學時只能靠粗茶淡飯過活。
- According to 1932 statistics,the Chinese peasants were subjected to 1,656 kinds of exorbitant taxes and levies,which took away 60-90 percent of their harvests. 據統計,1932年,僅苛捐雜稅的名目就多達1656種,捐額約佔農民收穫量的60%25至90%25。
- For information on taxes and filing, talk with a profe ional tax preparer or tax attorney. 想了解有關稅收申報方面的信息,可與稅務專家或者是稅務律師聯繫。
- All taxes and levies in respect of any transaction or contract shall be borne solely by the Client who shall indemnify the Dealer against payment of the same. 一切有關交易或合約的稅項及徵費;概由客戶全部承擔;而客戶須保障及補償交易商免受此等稅項及徵費負擔.
- The Irish used to live on a diet of potatoes. 愛爾蘭人過去用馬鈴薯作為主食。
- However, there is no sudden you have evil thought, want to be a bad emperor, what things up exorbitant taxes and levies, about bullying innocent people? 但是,你有沒有突發過邪念,想要當一把壞皇帝,搞搞苛捐雜稅什麼的,欺負一下無辜的百姓?
- They lead a busy and colourful life on the campus. 他們在大學里過著忙碌而又豐富多彩的生活。
- For the government, the development of environmental taxes, determine the corresponding tax and levies, should assume its responsibilities. 對於市場主體,應該在堅持「誰污染誰負責」的原則下,將追求利潤與保護環境結合起來,以為長遠發展圖謀。