- Don't judge a life by one difficult season. 不要只在某人某段艱難的歲月里去判斷他的一生。
- Finally the paintings are ready to be given new life by one of the restorers. 據阿巴尼博士說,「多數修復人員沒有經過正規培訓,與其說是修復,不如說實際上他們破壞的更為嚴重。」
- Before locks became fashionable, there used to be a sense of belief and commitment attached to them.This appeals to the Piscean need to live by one's ideals. 隨意搭在額前的一綹頭髮也許就是最適合你的髮型,它恰巧符合你按自己的方式生活的個性。
- Don't judge life by one difficult season. Persevere through the difficult patches and better times are sure to come some time or later. 不要因為一個痛苦的季節就對人生下結論。堅持度過難關之後,你不久就會迎來美好的日子。
- Nayar himself is an amateur painter, which perhaps explains why his fish-and-fruit image resembles a still life by one of the 17th-century Dutch masters. 納亞爾本身是一名業餘畫家,這或許可以解釋,為什麽他那個有關水果與魚的影像,會很像17世紀某位荷蘭畫家的靜物畫了。
- I couldn't get a permanent job so I had to live by my wits for a couple of years. 我沒能找到長久的工作,因此這兩年來我只能靠騙人吃飯。
- This event will be covered live by TV. 此事將由電視作現場報道。
- Shall I call over the articles one by one? 要我把物品名稱逐一念一遍嗎?
- Let me hand you these shipping document one by one. 讓我把裝船單據一件件地交給你吧。
- But there were many who declassed by hard social conditions never worked, and live by their wits. 但是也有許多人為困難的社會條件所逼迫,從不工作,靠騙人為生。
- All the applicants were interviewed one by one. 所有的申請者一個接著一個參加面試。
- The audience laughed at the comedian 's wit. 喜劇演員的風趣使觀眾發笑。
- Perhaps you may live by your wits,but I don't hope so. 也許你可以靠小聰明混日子,但我不希望你這樣。
- Perhaps you may live by your wits , but I do not hope so . 也許你可以靠小聰明混日子,但我不希望你這樣。
- Let's get on the bus one by one. 讓我們一個一個地上車吧。
- He weed out one by one the book he do not want. 他把不想要的書一本一本丟掉。
- Man shall not live by bread alone. 人活著不能僅靠麵包。
- Perhaps you may live by your wits ,but I do not hope so . 也許你可以靠小聰明混日子,但我不希望你這樣。
- He weeded out one by one the books he didn't want. 他把不想要的書一本一本丟掉。
- Lovers live by love, as larks live by leeks. 情侶靠愛情生活,正象雲雀靠韭蔥生活一樣。