- Slowly taste a cup of tea with several sips, then you can sense the fragrance, which lingers over one's throat with sweetness. 品啜甘霖:一杯茶可以分為幾小口慢慢啜飲,您會感到口鼻生香,喉底回甘。
- He rode roughshod over one opponent after another. 他把他的對手一個接一個地擊敗了。
- It' s a bad habit to leave one' s work half done. 工作做了一半就丟開,是個壞習慣。
- It's no use brooding over one's past mistakes. 老是抱著過去的錯誤是沒用的。
- You are to take over one of the subdivisions. 你將接管其中一個分部。
- linger over one's work 磨洋工
- The column, four abreast, stretched out over one kilometre. 隊伍4個人一行,長達1公里以上。
- Larry didn't linger over his work completely, but he did linger over it to some extent. 勞里雖未完全磨洋工, 但多少有一點。
- Bachelor『s Degree;- Over one year work experience; - Good command of written and spoken English/Mandarin;- Self motiv...... ... 公司名稱:泛駿華國際貨運(上海)有限公司工作地點:北京市發布時間:2009-7-21
- Those who linger over wine, who go to sample bowls of mixed wine. 就是那流連飲酒,常去尋找調和酒的人。
- Democratic ads linger over the graves of American soldiers. 民主黨的廣告反反覆復用美軍士兵的墳墓做文章。
- A doctor' s work is very satisfying. 當個醫生是很令人滿意的。
- It is estimated that the damage was over one million dollars. 據估計,損失超過了一百萬元。
- It' s unfair to devalue anyone' s work unjustly. 不公正地貶低任何人的工作都是不公平的。
- They spent over one million dollars on the campaign. 他們花了一百多萬美元競選。
- After a hard day 's work, it 's good to unwind . 一天勞累的工作之後,放鬆一下很有好處。
- She lingered over her work till late at night. 她磨磨工作到深夜。
- He' s always missing when there' s work to be done. 一到幹活兒的時候; 他就不見了.
- They lingered over coffee and missed the train. 他們慢吞吞喝著咖啡,結果誤了火車。
- The human eye can distinguish over one million shade s of color. 人類的眼睛能分辨一百萬種以上色度深淺不同的顏色。