- The choir was (singing) distinctly out of tune in places. 合唱團有些地方明顯(唱)走調了。
- He hasn't the knack of tuning in to people. 他不懂了解人的竅門。
- The band doesn't sound out of tune to me, but then I've no ear for music. 對我來說,樂隊沒有走調,不過我沒有欣賞音樂的才能。
- Used to adjust the linearity of amplifiers. 背景說明:用於調節放大器的線性。
- The choir was distinctly out of tune in places. 合唱團有些地方明顯走調了。
- The violin seems to be out of tune. 這把小提琴好像走調了。
- The reason is simple: I sing out of tune,you see. 原因非常簡單: 你要知道,我唱歌走調。
- The President is out of tune with public opinion. 總統與公眾輿論大唱反調。
- Someone in the choir is singing out of tune. 合唱團里有人唱跑調了。
- I have no ear for music. My singing is out of tune. 我唱歌總跑調兒。
- That tall boy seemed to be out of tune. 那位高個男孩好像走調了。
- Li The reason is very I sing out of tune, you see. 原因非常簡單:你要知道,我唱歌走調。
- The violin and the piano seem to be out of tune. 鋼琴和小提琴好像不合調。
- Music out of tune grates on people's ears. 走了調的音樂令人的耳朵受不了。
- Music out of tune is unbearable for ears. 走了調的音樂令人的耳朵受不了。
- He is a poor singer, he always sings out of tune. 他五音不全,唱歌總是跑調兒。
- She abandoned the linearity of the conventional novel. 她摒棄了寫小說慣用的平鋪直敘的寫法。
- Her singing often gets out of tune. 她唱歌愛走調兒。
- A person out of tune with his surroundings is unhappy. 一個與環境格格不入的人是不會快樂的。
- Linearity of axial sensitivity of compression type piezoelectric sensor. 壓縮式壓電感測器軸向靈敏度的線性度問題。