- The college is not operated for profit. 這所大學不是為了營利而辦的。
- Power line not connected or open circuited. 電源未聯或開路。
- The machine is not operating properly. 機器運轉得不正常。
- The lift was not operating properly. 電梯有些失靈了。
- He can not operate the ma chine. neither( nor) can I. 他不能操作這台機器。我也不能。
- The machines will not operate properly. 那些機器不能正常運轉。
- These four causes do not operate singly. 這四個原因並不單個起作用。
- The language laboratory is not operational yet. 語言實習教室還不能使用。
- The elevator is not operating properly. 這部電梯運轉不正常。
- I'm being waiting in line for an hour and I'm starting to get sick and tired of the line not moving. 我在隊里等了一個小時了,可是隊一點也不動,太煩了!
- He can not operate the machine. Neither can I. 他不能操作這台機器。我也不能。
- This kit can be installed through the bonnet assembly and removal of valve from line not required. 這種組件可以通過閥蓋總成進行安裝,不需要將閥門從管道上拆卸下來。
- Viscous fan drive not operating properly. 粘性風扇驅動不能正常工作。
- After blustering several attacks, country An Ciyi exposes the defense line not steady old malady once again. 在虛張聲勢的幾次攻擊后,國安此役再度暴露出防線不穩的老毛病。
- The emergency generator is not operational yet. 應急發電機現在工作仍然不正常。
- The elevator [machine] is not operating properly. 電梯運行[機器運轉]得不正常。
- The lift was not operating properly . 那電梯操縱不靈。
- SIB does not operate like a standard bank. 這份報告對該行85億美元儲戶資產組合能持續實現顯著高於市場平均水平的回報率提出了嚴重質疑。
- An apostrophe "'" is used to comment out lines not customized. 單引號「'」用於註釋未自定義的行。
- Apostolic gifts did not operate in isolation. 使徒使用他們的屬靈恩賜並不是在1真空里使用的。