- In the 17 years before the Cultural Revolution,our line in literature and art was in the main correct and there were remarkable achievements. 文化大革命前的十七年,我們的文藝路線基本上是正確的,文藝工作的成績是顯著的。
- Class struggle is bound to be reflected in literature and art. 階級鬥爭必然反映在文學藝術中。
- This is as true in literature and art as in politics. 政治上如此,藝術上也是如此。
- Trotsky's thought in literature and art was very rich. 摘要托洛茨基的文藝思想很豐富。
- The imitation or representation of aspects of the sensible world,especially human actions,in literature and art. 模仿文學或藝術中對可感知世界的某些側面的模仿或表現,尤指人類的行為。
- The preposterous ways of Lin Biao and the Gang of Four undermined the Party's leadership in literature and art and destroyed their vitality. 林彪、「四人幫」那一套荒謬做法,破壞了黨對文藝工作的領導,扼殺了文藝的生機。
- The imitation or representation of aspects of the sensible world, especially human actions, in literature and art. 模仿文學或藝術中對可感知世界的某些側面的模仿或表現,尤指人類的行為
- Our literature and art ought to cater to popular taste. 我們的文藝必須為大眾所喜聞樂見。
- As a trend of thought in literature and art,aestheticism rose suddenly at the end of the 19th century and withers away soon. 唯美主義作為一種文藝思潮,在十九世紀末遽然興起,然而它的衰亡也極其迅速,在文藝界有如曇花一現。
- We always plug in on the literature and art programme. 我們總是收聽或收看文藝節目。
- It is not the happy ending but the myths of desti ny in literature and art that remove the Tragical spirit of Chinese tragedies. 消解中國悲劇精神的不是真正的大團圓現象,而是文藝的命定神話。
- Uncritical transplantation or copying from the ancients and the foreigners is the most sterile and harmful dogmatism in literature and art. 文學藝術中對於古人和外國人的毫無批判的硬搬和模仿,乃是最沒有出息的最害人的文學教條主義和藝術教條主義。
- We should review and evaluate again Trotsky's thought in literature and art and use for reference the beneficial things from it. 我們應該重新研究和評價,借鑒其中有益的東西。
- Long Live Victory of Chairman Mao'Revolutionary Line in Literature. 毛主席的革命文藝路線勝利萬歲。
- Freud"s psychoanalytic theory of the subconscious, in literature and art has attracted a broad impact in the film industry as well. 弗洛伊德提出的潛意識精神分析理論,在文學藝術等方面引起了廣泛影響,在電影領域也是如此。
- We should critically assimilate whatever is beneficial in literature and arts from other countries. 我們應當批判地吸收別國文學藝術中一切有益的東西。
- In the last analysis,what is the source of all literature and art? 一切種類的文學藝術的源泉究竟是從何而來的呢?
- A short time ago I told Comrade Hu Yaobang that I wanted to talk with the propaganda departments about problems on the ideological front,especially those in literature and art. 前些時候我同胡耀邦同志說了,要找宣傳部門談談思想戰線上的問題,特別是文藝問題。
- In the last analysis, what is the source of all literature and art? 一切種類的文學藝術的源泉究竟是從何而來的呢?
- As one kind of mode of thinking, vague thinking not only exists in people's daily life, but also plays a widely-known effect on the creation in literature and art show. 摘要模糊思維也是一種思維方式,它不僅存在於人們的日常生活中,而且在文學創造和藝術表現中的作用,越來越被人們認識和接受。