- He never goes beyond what is proper. or He's a decent person. 他這個人很本分。
- This man speaks crudely, and doesn't look like a decent man. 這個人滿口猥詞,一看就不是個好人!
- Sheenjoyed Strauss, KFC and Brazil Espresso, I know, she was like a busy bee in an office building in a decent grey dress suite. 我知道她聽施特勞斯,吃肯德基,喝巴西現磨,穿著得體的灰色套裙在寫字樓里自在地忙碌。
- We should rent a decent apartment. It's just improper for such a big company to operate like a guerrilla and has no permanent office. 我們應該租一個像樣兒點的公寓,這麼大一個公司沒有個像樣點的辦公地點,到處打游擊也太不像話了。
- Your husband sounds like a decent man, and he deserves a chance to understand your unhappiness so the two of you can try to work on it together. 你的丈夫聽上去是一個很正派的人,他應該得到了解你苦惱的機會,你們可以試著一起努力解決你們之間的問題。
- I thought he was a decent sort of person. 我認為他屬於那種正派的人。
- At that time was still attracted by Shenzhen, and even a decent road, but everywhere is the voice of the machine, however, feel like a tiger roaring. 當時的深圳還是一片荒山野嶺,連一條像樣的公路也沒有,但所到之處都是機器轟鳴之聲,一派熱火朝天的景象。
- She enjoyed Strauss, KFC and Brazil Espresso, I know, she was like a busy bee in an office building in a decent grey dress suite. 我知道她聽施特勞斯,吃肯德基,喝巴西現磨,穿著得體的灰色套裙在寫字樓里自在地忙碌。
- He is a decent upstanding young man. 他是一個正派誠實的年輕人。
- You can't have good acting without a decent script. 沒有像樣的劇本是不可能有好的表演的。
- For a week he didn't have a decent meal. 他一個星期沒有吃一頓像樣的飯。
- So while sitting in your unheated apartment in the dead of winter pounding vodka might seem like a decent idea, your skin and Russian history are leading you astray. 所以,當你大冬天坐在自己凍死人的公寓里的時候,喝點伏特加看上去是的好點子,不過你那一層皮和俄國的陳年老酒一會兒正把你往溝裡帶呢!
- Well, like a lot of Open Source projects, a decent website for people to see and download the damn software, and not look at pictures of skanky pidgeons. 哇,像很多其他的開源項目一樣,提供一個體面的網站,可以讓人們瀏覽、下載那該死的軟體,而不是去看討厭的鴿子圖。
- He is about the last person I should confide in. He is a decent enough fellow, but he cannot keep his mouth shut. 我是決不會向他吐露秘密的; 他人倒頂不錯的,只是管不住自己的嘴。
- An idea popped into his mind like a flash. 他頭腦里突然閃過一個念頭。
- She was like a narcissus trembling in the wind. 她像一株在風中搖動的水仙。
- The driven gear fits its driving gear like a glove. 這個從動齒輪與它的主動輪嚙合得非常好。
- He talks like a parrot and just repeats what he heard. 他只是鸚鵡學舌,拾人牙慧罷了。
- The dog clung like a limpet to the thief. 那條狗死死纏住小偷不放。
- Journalists have much in the area north of the great wall of Hohhot to interview, where some projects have not even a decent sand table, collapsed like a broken down before the sales offices Treasury. 記者也曾去遠在塞外的呼和浩特採訪,那裡的一些項目連個像樣的沙盤都沒有,殘垣斷壁前的那個售樓處倒像個破庫房。