- She performed on the balance beam with much grace. 她在平衡木上表演得非常優美。
- He struck the beam with his head. 他的頭撞到樑上了。
- Fix the beam with the brackets and screws. 用支架和螺絲釘把這根梁固定起來。
- The winner beamed with satisfaction. 獲勝者滿意地笑了。
- Thereof the choose for the section of above lifting beam is correct. 故上述吊裝梁截面選擇是適當的。
- Two large pockets close with hook and loop fastener. 兩個大的口袋接受鉤扣和環緊固件。
- Upon hearing the good news he beamed with joy. 一聽到這個好消息,他高興得眉開眼笑。
- The gymnast performed on the balance beam with easy grace. 那個體操運動員在平衡木上表演,姿態優美。
- She balances herself on the balance beam with a single arm. 她在平衡木上僅用一隻手保持身體的平衡。
- Automatic Drawing of the Hook Envelope Diagram of the Lifting Beam 脫掛梁吊鉤包絡圖的自動繪製
- Her dress fastens with hooks and eyes. 她的衣服用鈕鉤和鈕環扣住。
- The gymnast performed on the balance beam with an easy grace. 體操運動員在平衡木上表演得優美自如。
- Usage: suitable for automatic wire winding of even number slot motor with hook commutator rotor. 用途:適用於偶數槽電機帶鉤換向器轉子的自動繞線。
- His entire face beamed with happiness. 他高興得滿臉堆笑。
- Her dress was fastened with hooks and eyes. 她的衣服用鉤扣扣著。
- Single needle to form.Chain stitch with hook needle and gear dial feed mecha-nism. 產品採用箱式機體,單針刺料,勾針擺動勾線, 齒盤送料,形成單線鏈式線跡。
- The face seemed to be beaming with a kindly smile. 面孔看來笑容可掬。
- Some plants have fruit with hooks. 一些植物的果實帶有鉤,
- Each girl, had to have wide grosgrain ribbons with hook sand eyes spaced just right to fasten around both wrists. 每一個女孩必須使用帶搭鉤和扣眼的寬寬的羅緞緞帶,這個緞帶唯一的用途就是紮緊她們的雙腕。
- The load beam with its simple force transmission system is easy to handle. 這款測壓梁有簡單的力傳遞系統,操作方便。