- The government plans to extend coverage basic life insurance in society. 國家打算擴大基本社會養老保險的覆蓋面。
- An insurance company engaged in life insurance shall set aside a reserve for future claims equal to the total net value determined actuarially on the total life insurance policies in force. 經營有人壽保險業務的保險公司,應當按照有效的人壽保險單的全部凈值提取未到期責任準備金。
- This product is reinsured by one of the largest reinsurers of life insurance in the world. 該保險由全球最大人壽再保險公司之一再保。
- There is in force such a policy of insurance in respect of third party risks as complies with the requirements of this Ordinance. 已具備一份有效的和符合本條例規定的第三者風險保險單。
- Typically in Japan, the bankruptcy of Nippon Life Insurance in 1997 and the subsequent bankruptcy of seven life assurance companies brought great shock in the international life assurance industry. 最為典型的是日本,自1997年「日本生命」破產以後,先後共7家壽險公司倒閉,給世界壽險業帶來巨大震動。
- As a marketing model connecting with the target market of customers directly and economically, DBM has a bright future in the condition of furious competition in life insurance in China. 本文以國內一家剛剛成立不滿3年的某壽險公司為例,深入探討了資料庫營銷在壽險企業中的運用實踐,這家公司在開業初始就在銀行保險引入了資料庫營銷,並成功應用直復營銷模式。
- Many old rules are not in force any more. 許多舊的制度都已經失效。
- The John Hancock unit, through its insurance companies, comprises one of the largest life insurers in the United States. 鄭重聲明:本文僅代表作者個人觀點,與金融界網站無關。
- The new safety regulations are now in force. 新的安全規則現已生效。
- The new law will soon come in force. 新的法律將很快生效。
- Wickens: The Law of Life Insurance in Australia 澳大利亞壽險法
- Chiyoda Mutual Life Insurance Co. 千代田壽險公司(日本)
- Our prices are in force only if you order by return mail. 我方價格僅以你方速復我訂貨,才有效。
- He paid premiums on his life insurance last year. 他去年付了人壽保險費。
- The MetLife companies are the number one life insurer in the U.S. and serve customers in the Americas, Asia Pacific and Europe. 美國大都會集團是全美銷售額排名第一的人壽保險公司,服務美洲、歐洲和亞太地區客戶。
- So " insurance law " the insurance company that allows to run life-insurance business is disbanded below schism or amalgamative circumstance, stem from the interest of the insurant in tutelar life insurance namely. 所以《保險法》答應經營人壽保險業務的保險公司在分立或合併的情況下解散,就是出於保護人壽保險中被保險人的利益。
- Equal in force, power, effectiveness, or significance. 相等的力量、能力、效力、或重要性等相等
- Life insurers in particular want a piece of the Tarp, and in their case there is at least the chance that customers could seek to cash out of annuities. 人壽保險尤其希望能在救助計劃中分一杯羹,因為對他們來說,至少客戶有可能擠兌養老金。
- The police were out in force to stop any trouble. 警察大批出動,以制止騷亂。
- The ver schedule have is in force january. 新的時間表從1月起已經實施。