- The Life Course theory 生命歷程理論
- Meet needs as they change over the life course. 應對隨生命歷程變化的需求。
- Continues over a life course to constitute a risk for the married. 持續整個生命歷程,對已婚者構成威脅。
- Educational access across the life course will be crucial to family success. 在人生歷程各個階段都能受教育對家庭的成功極為重要。
- Such research approaches as this using uses the documents and logic analysis,have made systematic study of the school PE course theory of China. 運用文獻資料、邏輯分析等研究方法,對我國學校體育課程理論作了系統的研究。
- Childhood Family, Ethnicity, and Drug Use Over the Life Course Cubbins, Lisa A.; Klepinger, Daniel H. P. 孩童時期家庭情況,種族特點,與生命歷程各階段吸食毒品行為。
- Folk dances enliven the life course and escorts every member of the society from birth to life's end. 民俗舞蹈有聲有色地裝點著生活道路,廝伴著每一個社會成員從出生一直走到人生的盡頭。
- As a part of the life course, educational process itself contains self-satisfaction value. 因此,作為生命歷程的一部分,教育過程本身就具有自足性的價值和意義。
- A person should abndon distracting thoughts and be absorbed in stepping well in his life course. 一個人應當擯棄各種雜念,全神貫注的走自己的路。
- Body mass index over the adult life course and cognition in late midlife: the Whitehall II Cohort Study. 成人終生體重指數過高和中年後期認知能力:白廳II人群研究。
- Known as active aging or active age management, the strategy advocates a life course approach to individual and societal ageing. 積極健康老年策略提倡從管理生命不同階段的方法入手,來應付個人老化及社會老化等問題。
- Cohabitation and other alternatives to traditional marriage and family will be used by some for part of the life course, but most people will marry. 同居及其他傳統婚姻家庭的新變異會出現在生活某些階段,但大多數人仍會結婚。
- According to the Confucius" life course, the second chapter analyzes Confucius" transcendent rode:from "moralistic state" to" cosmo state". 第二章,根據孔子自述其生命歷程來分析他的超越之路,即由「道德境界」向「天地境界」的躍入。
- This design will help students to understand the geographic infromation system course theory, and help them to solve pratical problems by using geographic information system software. 此實驗設計將有助於學生理解地理信息系統理論知識,學習利用地理信息系統軟體解決地學實際問題。
- Many traditional caregivers viewed their role as a natural part of their life course, either as the spouse or the child of someone with dementia. 作為痴獃患者的配偶或是子女,許多傳統的照料者將這一身份視為他們生命歷程的自然組成部分。
- In the life course joyful and painful, delighted and sighed with sadness only is writes in the aquatic character, certainly can escape in the time. 生命歷程中的快樂和痛苦、歡欣和悲嘆只是寫在水上的字,一定會在時光里流走。
- He dedicated his life to science. 他畢生致力於科學事業。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 這是嚴酷的現實,你必須面對它。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想過舒適的生活不過是普通人的本性。
- This paper takes Heming way and Albert Camus as examples and tries to explain how the modernists explore the final meaning of life course to the Paradise. 本文試圖以海明威和加繆為例註釋現代派作家探索生命終極意義的「天路歷程」。