- lie flat on one's stomach 俯卧;腹朝下躺卧
- She lie flat on her back in the warm sunshine. 她在溫暖的陽光下平躺著。
- She lay flat on her back in the warm sunshine. 她在溫暖的陽光下平躺著。
- lay flat on one's back in the warm sunshine 在溫暖的陽光下平躺著
- He has an impressive ability to lie flat on a water surface for hours. 他有一種在水面上連續平躺幾個小時的令人驚嘆的本領。
- He has an impressive ability to lie flat on a water surface for hour. 他有一種在水面上連續平躺幾個小時的令人驚嘆的本領。
- He have an impressive ability to lie flat on a water surface for hour. 他有一種在水面上連續平躺幾個小時的令人驚嘆的本領。
- A soldier lies flat on his bunk. 一位土兵仰面躺在鋪位上。
- He was lying flat on the ground. 他平躺在地上。
- If one wanted to conserve physical energy to cut the maximum amount of firewood, one would lie flat on a bed and rest when one wasn't chopping. But the mind cannot rest. 如果一個人要想保存體力,準備去劈最大數量的木柴,當他未劈柴時,就要仰身躺在床上休息,可是思維活動是不會停止的。
- The children were lying flat on their stomachs in the grass. 孩子們趴在草叢中。
- Or he lay flat on his bed, staring up at the canopy above. 他有時候連書也不想看,直伸伸地躺在床上,睜起眼睛望著帳頂出神。
- Lying flat on the bed, he felt relieved to be left alone. 他飛快地跑回家,往床上一躺,鬆了一口氣。
- And when you do a roll of knitting and a roll of pearling, it's bumpy on one side, and flat on the other. 當你編織一卷針織品和花邊的時候,它總是一邊有突起,一邊平整。
- His heavily plumed tail is set high and lies flat on his back. 尾根位置很高,長有濃密飾毛的尾巴平放在背上。
- The food at night is likely to sit heavy on one's stomach. 晚上吃東西很可能加重胃的負擔。
- As soon as it caught sight of the tethered goat it lay flat on the earth. 它一看見那隻拴著的山羊立即就匍匐在地上。
- Minutes later, anesthetized, Julian lay flat on the operating table. 幾分鐘后,醫生給朱利安注射了麻藥,他直挺挺地躺在手術台上。
- This is because each adenine tail lies flat on the substrate, taking up space. 因為每條腺嘌呤尾都「平躺」在片基上,加快了速度。
- The venerable city will rely on mobile floodgates in its lagoon that lie flat on the seabed under normal conditions and rise only during extremely high tides. 這個古老的城市將倚賴其潟湖中的可移動式防洪閘門,它們平時平放在海床上,只有在極大潮來臨時才會升起。