- Licensor have the right to terminate the Contract. 許可方可書面通知接受方終止合同
- The licensor simply agrees to provide technology. 賣方只同意提供技術。
- Any other marks desired by Licensor. 其他許可方要求的標誌。
- The server licensor certificate has expired. 伺服器許可方證書已過期。
- All rights not expressly granted by Licensor are hereby reserved. 所有未經授權人明示授與的權利,於此加以保留。
- By telegraphic transfer (T/T) through Licensee's bank to Licensor's bank. 該款項以電匯方式通過被許可方銀行轉至許可方銀行
- Do not allow anyone to revoke my enterprise server licensor certificate. 不允許任何人吊銷我的企業伺服器許可方證書。
- Licensor dose not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operating of the Program. 許可方不保證任何程序的不中斷或無差錯運行。
- Amounts spent by licensor will be reimbursed upon receipt of invoice. 許可方花費的費用將根據單據返還。
- Specify a third party public key that can revoke my enterprise Licensor Certificate. 指定可吊銷我的企業許可方證書的第三方公鑰。
- Specify a third party public key that can revoke my enterprise server licensor certificate. 指定可吊銷我的企業伺服器許可方證書的第三方公鑰。
- Licensee shall not disclose or divulge Know-how to any third party without prior written consent of Licensor. 未經許可方的書面同意,被許可方不得將本專有技術泄露給任何第三方。
- Licensor is lawful in a position to transfer all such Technology and Technical Documentation to Licensee. 許可方有權向接受方轉讓
- File format error. You can upload only those files which are saved using Export server licensor certificate section. 文件格式錯誤。只能上載使用「導出」命令保存的伺服器許可方證書文件。
- Licensee shall have the right to send its technical personnel to the relevant factory of Licensor for training. 被許可方有權按照合同規定派遣技術人員到許可方的有關工廠進行培訓
- Licensor guarantees that Licensee shall not be claimed for product liability in relation to Contract Products. 許可方保證不會發生被許可方被指控有關合同產品上的侵權責任。
- Original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions. 證頒發者那裡接到受這些條款和條件支配的複製,發布或修改程序的許可證。
- As a producing company it became a competitor to the established industry and therefore was not accepted as licensor. 作為一家生產性公司,它對業已創立的企業構成了競爭者,因此不會被接受為許可人。
- All these intentions are affirmative and hardly bar the licensor or licensee from imposing additional terms. 所有這些意圖都是肯定的,不會阻止許可方或被許可方強加附加的條款。
- As are owned and/or exploited by Licensor and in respect of which Licensor has full and free rights of disclosing. 許可方對披露上述資料有充分的、自由的權利。