- They were transcribers, let s say, of official information. "他們是謄寫器,讓我們說,官方數據。
- Let』s say Tuesday at noon.Bring your portfolio with you. 還有其他什麼東西您想讓我帶來的嗎?
- Let』s say it is a journal. Occasionally, it comes down off the shelf to have something added to it. 比如,用戶偶爾從書架上拿下一本雜誌,將某些內容添加在其中。
- Let』s say the average player plays for around 3 hours everyday so that』s 15-30 megabytes per day. 比方說,球員的平均約3小時的播放,使每天的每天15-30兆位元組。
- Let』s say you were born in China.You』re an only child.You have two parents and four grandparents doting on you. 我們假設,你出生在中國,你是家中唯一的孩子,父母二人和祖父母四人溺愛著你。
- B: Yes.Let』s say Tuesday at noon.Bring your portfolio with you. B:好 .;就定在星期二中午
- As an example, let』s say that in your last match you were having a problem with your forehand continually going beyond the baseline. 例如,就這樣說吧, 上一次比賽中你正拍不斷地打出超過底線的問題。
- For example, let』s say you invested $200 a month for 30 years in a hypothetical tax-deferred account providing an 8% annualized return. 舉個例子說,你有一個年均回報率約為8%25的延稅帳戶,你計劃30年的退休計劃,於是你每個月投進%24200。
- In case you enter some Croatian text, let』s say, this website will tell you that the text could also be Serbian or Slovenian. 同時,大家一起對問題的討論也是最佳的學習方式。還等什麼?請現在就註冊登錄譯言,開始眉批!
- Or perhaps they are not my type.Let』s say I am more attracted to brainy guys. 或者可以說他們不是我喜歡的類型,我比較喜歡有智慧的男人。
- Let』s say that the client is in Los Angeles so the directory is ambiguous: The area code could be either 213 or 310. If our human assistant rushed into the office in a panic shouting 「Stop what you』re doing! 比如說客戶住在洛杉磯,因此地址目錄不確定。 區號可能是213,也可能是310。 如果這名助手衝進辦公室焦急地嚷道:「停下你手中的活!
- Let『s say you『re a unitholder of the $892-million Phillips, Hager &North Canadian Equity Fund and unhappy over the fact that it lost 8.9 per cent and 16.6 per cent in the past two years, respectively. 假如說你是一個加拿大漢哥。北部飛力浦權益基金的8.;92億圓的單位信託基金持有者,並且不幸地遭遇了這種情況,即過去兩年分別損失了8
- It』s said that pesons are like hedgehogs in need of warmess. 邊上有人說:小張師傅今天生意蠻好。恩,希望每天生意都這麼好!
- Afghan and U. S. official s say Taleban militant s have established a series of strategic bases inside Pakistan. 阿富汗與美國官員表示,塔利班好戰分子已經在巴境內建立起一系列的戰略基地。
- Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要發脾氣。
- Let me get my bits and pieces together. 讓我把我的零碎東西收拾起來。
- Winds were calmer earlier this morning but forecaster s say the gale-force winds will return, just making it even harder for the fire crews. 今早風勢已經減弱,但是天氣預報稱,迅猛的大火將回歸,對於消防員來說,滅火工作更加艱難。
- Shersquo;s said to be a jinx, who would bring bad luck to whoever she marries. 有人說那個女人是個掃帚星,誰跟她結婚誰倒霉。
- Let's go for a picnic by the riverside. 我們到河邊野餐去吧。
- She s said to be a jinx, who would bring bad luck to whoever she marries. 有人說那個女人是個掃帚星,誰跟她結婚誰倒霉。