- He is a household legendary figure. 他是個家喻戶曉的傳奇性人物。
- He was a legendary figure in Huizhou. 他可是惠州的一位傳奇人物。
- However, the most legendary figure should be Zhuang Zedong. 但是,最富有傳奇色彩的人物還要數庄則棟了。
- However,the most legendary figure should be Zhuang Zedong. 但是,最富有傳奇色彩的人物還要數庄則棟了。
- Xinjiang's legendary figurer Afanti? 傳奇的人物阿凡提啊?
- This is unlikely, but stories like this accumulate around a legendary figure like Leonardo. 這未必屬實,但圍繞著列奧納多這樣的傳奇人物,這類故事總是越來越多。
- This is unlikely,but stories like this accumulate around a legendary figure like Leonardo. 這未必屬實,但圍繞著列奧納多這樣的傳奇人物,這類故事總是越來越多。
- A legendary figure in Chinese history, Guan Yu is described as a hero in stories and dramas of different ages. 在中國歷史上,關羽屬傳奇人物,是歷代話本和戲劇的描寫對象。
- Game on: The legendary figure Indianan Jones will win their treasures, started adventure! 遊戲介紹:傳奇式的人物印地安納瓊斯將奪取自己的寶藏,開始大冒險吧!
- Aaron Copland (1900 - 1990) was a legendary figure in music history of America in 20th century. 艾倫·科普蘭(Aaron Copland 1900-1990)是美國20世紀音樂史上一個里程碑式的人物。 他不僅是一位傑出作曲家,而且是一位鋼琴家、指揮家,同時還是一位非同一般的音樂評論家。
- Billy Willy is a legendary figure in the field and everyone prides on seeing him, let alone speaking with him. 比利.;威爾是這一行的傳奇人物,就是看他一眼大家都會覺得榮幸,更別提是和他說話了。
- American frontierswoman and legendary figure of the Wild West. Often dressed in men's clothing,she was reputed to be a crack shot and an expert rider. 伯克,馬莎·簡1852?-1903美國女拓荒者和西部的傳奇人物。她經常身著男裝,被認為是一位神槍手和技藝高超的騎手。
- American frontierswoman and legendary figure of the Wild West. Often dressed in men's clothing, she was reputed to be a crack shot and an expert rider. 伯克,馬莎·簡1852?-1903美國女拓荒者和西部的傳奇人物。她經常身著男裝,被認為是一位神槍手和技藝高超的騎手
- Justin Martyr (C 3rd century); A legendary figure whose "Apology" to Antoninus Pious in defense of Christianity had a great impact on future writings. 殉道者游斯丁(公元三世紀):一位傳奇人物,為了悍衛基督教而向安東尼斯「辯解」,對後來的作品有著極大的影響。
- In the past decade, his superb skills and outstanding qualities of music from the world of classical guitar virtuoso emerge as legendary figure. 在過去的十年中,他以精湛的技巧和卓越的音樂素養從全世界的古典吉他演奏家中脫穎而出,成為具有傳奇色彩的人物。
- A legendary figure who,out of devotion,pledged his life as a guarantee that his condemned friend Pythias would return to face execution. Both were subsequently pardoned. 達蒙民間傳說中的人物,出於對朋友的忠誠而以自己性命為抵押,保證其被判刑的朋友皮爾厄斯會回來接受死刑。兩人最終都被赦免。
- A legendary figure who, out of devotion, pledged his life as a guarantee that his condemned friend Pythias would return to face execution. Both were subsequently pardoned. 達蒙民間傳說中的人物,出於對朋友的忠誠而以自己性命為抵押,保證其被判刑的朋友皮爾厄斯會回來接受死刑。兩人最終都被赦免
- Legendary figures Indianan Jones will win their treasures, started adventure! 傳奇式的人物印地安納瓊斯將奪取自己的寶藏,開始大冒險吧!
- Wang Zhaojun, is a legendary figure in china"s history, on whom there are not only the tragedic sublime and greatness, but also the comedy embarrassment and bewilderment. 王昭君是中國歷史上一個傳奇性的人物,在她的身上,既有悲劇性的崇高與偉大,又有喜劇性的尷尬與無奈。
- Initiate Antonovich, may be considered is the legendary figures in the U. 提起安東諾維奇,可算是是美國政界的傳奇人物,政壇常青樹。