- He was the unquestioned leader of American legal scholarship. 他是美國法學界當之無愧的領袖。
- Islamic legal scholarship remained the sole authority for guidance in matters of rituals, worship, and spirituality, while they lost authority to the state in other areas. 伊斯蘭法律獎學金仍是唯一有權為指導事項的禮儀,信仰,靈性,而他們失去權力在其他國家領域。
- We invite all our authors and readers to with us to combine the Journal's traditions of accuracy and thoroughness with the clarity, brevity and responsiveness of online legal scholarship. 我們邀請我們所有的作者和讀者與我們一道將本雜誌的準確性與詳盡性傳統與在線法律學術的清晰性、簡潔性與回應性結合起來。
- Be that as it may, my sense is that blogs have been bad for legal scholarship, leading to increased visibility for mediocre scholars and half-baked ideas and to a dumbing down of standards and judgments. 隨它去吧,我認為博客已經對法學研究造成了危害,這導致二流學者、半生半熟的觀點的不斷湧現以及學術標準和判斷的沉默。
- Some contemporary legal scholarship seeks a position between these two poles,looking for intellectual coherence in a compromise that does not appeal simply to a practice of judicial statesmanship. 有時當代法律獎學金尋找在這兩根桿之間的一個位置,尋找智力凝聚在不喜歡司法政治手腕實踐的妥協。
- He was the unquestioned leader of American legal scholarship 他是美國法學界當之無愧的領袖。
- I'm so glad to hear of your scholarship to Nelson. 十分高興獲悉你得到了尼爾遜獎學金。
- She's aiming at (ie trying to win) a scholarship. 她爭取獲得獎學金。
- The book is a fine piece of scholarship. 這部書是一件優秀的學術成果。
- He won a scholarship to Cambridge. 他獲得一份到劍橋大學讀書的獎學金。
- He failed to obtain a scholarship. 他沒有獲得獎學金。
- He despairs of winning a scholarship. 他已不抱贏得獎學金的希望了。
- He's got a scholarship tenable for four years. 他已得到為期四年的獎學金。
- The legal guardian must act on behalf of the child. 法定監護人應該維護這個孩子的利益。
- The old pound note is no longer legal tender. 舊制的英鎊紙幣已不是法定的貨幣了。
- Her book is a fine piece of scholarship. 她寫的那本書是一部卓越的學術著作。
- Winning the scholarship gave her a tremendous lift. 她獲得獎學金後受到極大的鼓舞。
- He is the only legal heir of the rich man. 他是這位富翁的唯一法定繼承人。
- I really desire to get a scholarship from Oxford University. 我的確想從牛津大學獲得一份獎學金。
- The company bears the legal cost of both parties. 公司負擔雙方當事人的法律費用。