- Maintain the legal rights of professional managers based on law. 依法維護職業經理人的合法權益。
- The rights of children have been effectively protected. 兒童權利得到有效保護。
- The birth of children, in whom she had no legal rights, further enchained her. 孩子的出生進一步束縛了她,但她卻不能合法權力擁有孩子。
- Judging from the above,the legal rights of the disabled in the Shanghai children's welfare home are well protected. 因此,生活在上海市兒童福利院的殘疾兒童的合法權利是有保障的。
- A use of property or course of conduct that interferes with the legal rights of others by causing damage, annoyance, or inconvenience. 妨害,損害財產的使用或行為的過程通過造成損害、惱人或不便而干涉了他人的合法權利
- Applicant must have the permanent right or legal right of abode in Hong Kong. 申請人必須為香港永久性居民或合法香港居民。
- The aggregate evidence that gives rise to a legal right of possession or control. 所有權憑證產生佔有或控制某物的法律權力的全部證據
- Legal right to the possession of a thing. 所有權合法擁有一件東西的權利
- A mere semblance of legal right. 表面(權利)合法權益的表象
- Process of civil judgment supervision can correct mistake of judgment, protect legal rights of parties, and achieve just judicature. 民事審判監督程序作為一種救濟性的案件審理程序,對於糾正審判錯誤,保護當事人合法權益,實現司法公正,具有積極的作用。
- From all around we heard the laughter of children. 我們到處都聽見兒童的笑聲。
- Rights of readers have three states: the idealistic rights, legal rights and actual rights. 圖書館讀者權利有三種形態:應然權利、法定權利和實然權利。
- I come upon a group of children play in the street. 我遇到一群孩子在街上玩耍。
- Representatives are urging the government to publish a document to protect the legal rights of farm workers. 代表們促請政府儘快出台保護農民工合法權益的文件。
- The adoption of orphans in China has laws to go by and is in full accord with the principles put forward by the United Nations in the Convention on the Rights of Children. 中國的孤兒收養工作有法可依,也完全符合聯合國《兒童權利公約》提出的原則。
- The legal right of a person to use the lands or waters of another,as for fishing. 共有權,一人使用另一人的土地和水域的合法權力,例如捕魚。
- She's doing a study of children's speech. 她正在研究兒童說話現象。
- The legal rights of senior citizens are protected by law; It is forbidden to abuse,insult,slander,ill-treat or abandon them. 中國法律保護老年人合法權利,嚴禁打罵、侮辱、誹謗、虐待、遺棄老年人。
- Abstract words are beyond the ken of children. 抽象的詞語是幼童所無法理解的。
- The legislative bodies and the government of China have drawn up appropriate laws and regulations to protect the legal rights of prisoners. 為了保障罪犯的合法權利,中國的立法機關和政府制訂了相應的法律和規定。