- A consultable standard is needed while applying the legal circumstances stipulated in the penal code. 量刑的公正應當體現在不同個案的相互比較中。
- The legal circumstances for liberal punishment such as surrendering and rendering meritorious service are generally applicable only to one crime. 自首、立功等法定從寬處罰情節一般只及一罪;
- As a special type of criminals,recidivists belong to the legal circumstance of heavier punishment. 累犯是一種特殊的犯罪人類型,是法定的從重處罰情節。
- In the thesis, the major contribution lies in analysizing the existent conditions and legal circumstance of the Third Department and exploring a road for its reasonable development. 本文力圖通過我國第三部門法律規制的研究,透析第三部門在我國的生存現狀及法律環境,探索一條我國第三部門的合理髮展之路。
- Under no circumstances shall I leave you. 在任何情況下我都不會離開你。
- You can cheat in no circumstances. 在任何情況下你都不能欺騙。
- He varies the treatment according to circumstances. 他根據情況,變換治療方法。
- He was forced by the circumstances to do this. 他做此事是為環境所迫。
- But that all depend on the specific circumstances. 不過,那要看具體情況而定。
- The legal guardian must act on behalf of the child. 法定監護人應該維護這個孩子的利益。
- The old pound note is no longer legal tender. 舊制的英鎊紙幣已不是法定的貨幣了。
- Circumstances have compelled a change of plan. 因情況所迫,計劃已經改變。
- He became a victim of circumstances. 他成了命運的犧牲品。
- He always adapted easily to new circumstances. 他總是很容易使自己適應新的環境。
- He is the only legal heir of the rich man. 他是這位富翁的唯一法定繼承人。
- Different circumstances call for different tactics. 不同的情勢需要不同的策略。
- A series of fortuitous circumstances advanced her career. 一系列的幸運事使她的事業一帆風順。
- The company bears the legal cost of both parties. 公司負擔雙方當事人的法律費用。
- He is consulting the company's legal adviser. 他正在與公司的法律顧問進行商量。
- In no circumstances must you forget to lock the safe. 您無論如何不能忘鎖保險箱的門。