- The last leg of the journey always seems the longest. 最後一段旅程總是顯得最長。
- After completing our Guangxi leg of the journey, we returned to Beijing. 結束了在廣西的行程,我們又回到了北京。
- After another leg of the journey the donkey became listless, the master again lightened his burden. 再走了一段路以後,驢更沒精神了。主人又把貨物移過去一部分。
- After another leg of the journey the donkey became listless,the master again lightened his burden. 再走了一段路以後,驢更沒精神了。主人又把貨物移過去一部分。
- He operated on the leg of the wounded solider. 他給那個腿受傷的戰士動了手術。
- The last leg of the trip go from paris to the final destination, Amsterdam. 最後一段旅程是從巴黎到最終目的地阿姆斯特丹。
- He calculated the cost of the journey. 他盤算著旅遊費用。
- The cat was clawing at the leg of the chair. 那隻貓在抓撓椅子腿。
- Who has repaired the broken leg of the table? 誰把桌子的斷腿修好了?
- The object of the journey was to visit Grandma. 這次去的目的是看望奶奶。
- We must reimburse him the costs of the journey. 我們必須把旅費償還給他。
- The cat clawed at the leg of the table. 貓用爪子抓桌腿。
- The final leg of the trip was by donkey. 最後一段行程是騎驢。
- Fog added to the difficulties of the journey. 霧增加了旅途的困難。
- One leg of the chair is missing. 這椅子缺了一隻腳。
- We still have one more leg of the journey," said Sandra Patti, who was headed from New Jersey to Long Island to see family on Christmas. 紐約通常很火爆的賓夕法尼亞車站周一的時候似乎很平靜,人們都不慌不忙的進入火車。
- The more I tried not to think about it,the more my mind kept going back to that helpless feeling of panic I had on the first leg of the journey. 越是儘力於去想它,反倒越是回味上路、第一程就出現的那種揪心無助的感覺。
- The lower part of the leg of a cooked fowl. 熟雞腿的下半部分。
- One of the legs of the table is broken. 桌子的一條腿壞了。
- In 1971 when Sexton's team returned from Greece with the European Cup Winners' Cup on board the aeroplane, again the bus was an important leg of the journey home. 1971年當塞斯頓的隊員從希臘帶著歐洲優勝者杯乘班機回來時,乘坐大巴回到斯坦福橋又成了濃重的一筆。