- On the question of sovereignty, China has no room for manoeuvre. 關於主權問題,中國在這個問題上沒有迴旋餘地。
- On the question of sovereignty,China has no room for manoeuvre. 關於主權問題,中國在這個問題上沒有迴旋餘地。
- Drivers who hog the road leave no room for other cars. 那些占著路面的駕駛員一點餘地都不留給其他車輛。
- The fundamentals of the UK economy are sound, there is room for manoeuvre but there is no room for complacency. 英國經濟的基礎穩固,我們有迴旋退避的餘地但切不可因此而自鳴得意。
- This leaves no room for improvement; The evidence allows only one conclusion. 這個沒有留出改進的餘地。
- If we exercise a too rigorous control over the economy and there is no room for manoeuvre, we shall be stifled. 卡得死死的,動都動不了,怎麼行呢?
- If we exercise a too rigorous control over the economy and there is no room for manoeuvre,we shall be stifled. 卡得死死的,動都動不了,怎麼行呢?
- The fundamentals of the UK economy are sound,there is room for manoeuvre but there is no room for complacency. 英國經濟的基礎穩固,我們有迴旋退避的餘地但切不可因此而自鳴得意。
- Plastic doors and windows together with good mental components and glass fasteners leave no room for thieves. 塑料門窗,配置優良金屬構件,窗內設計裝玻璃卡條,使偷盜者束手無策。
- The mutations scale and the velocity of the Chinese economy leave no room for critical debates or reassessments of the notion of progress. 中國經濟高速發展的規模和速度,不容得人們對發展概念進行討論或評估。
- He also dismissed curriculum-pacing guides, which leave no room for students to ask questions or tell stories in the meandering sentences that mark childhood. 他同樣摒棄了教學進度指南,因為這會限制學生自由地提問和聯想,兒童時代的特點將被抹殺。
- The last word was said and no room was left for manoeuvre. 話已說絕,再也沒有迴旋餘地了。
- There is no room for hesitation. 沒有猶豫的餘地。
- There's no room for doubt, ie It is quite certain. 沒有懷疑的餘地。
- Small farmers have limited room for manoeuvre. 小農場的經營變化的餘地有限。
- The term "sexual dysfunction" as employed today is very precise and leaves no room for interpretation. 現今所使用的術語「性功能障礙」是非常精確的,並且已無詮釋的餘地。
- Work quite bouncy, stay have room for manoeuvre. 做事頗有彈性,留有迴旋餘地。
- Arrogance leaves no room for intimacy or growth, and is certainly not part of a spiritual curriculum. 傲慢使親密或成長失去了空間,肯定不屬於靈魂學習的一部分。
- Room for manoeuvre; allow some latitude. 留點迴旋餘地。
- This buys you both flexibility and schema validation; on the other hand, using name-value pairs for flexibility leaves no room for schema validation. 這樣您可以同時獲得靈活性和模式驗證的好處;從另一方面看來,為了獲得靈活性而使用名值對,會使得模式驗證沒有發揮的空間。