- But when you feign complete indifference, it will fawn upon you, lean close to you and live with you. 你擺出滿不在乎的樣子,她卻來討好你、靠近你、依附你。
- General body contact, lean close to and receive labial kiss simply, it is intimate generally speaking caressing the first pace. 一般身體接觸、偎依和簡單接唇吻,一般來說是親昵愛撫的第一步。
- Slowly, husband begins to had answered a body to come cuddle is worn I, lean close to of photograph of our depend on each other, twittering is worn lovers' prattle, embracing heavy go off each other. 慢慢地,老公開始回過身來摟著我,我們相依相偎,呢喃著情話,相互擁抱著沉沉睡去。
- After the event, ms.Wang lean close to is in marital bosom, unfeignedly says " say those who do to the woman is water, this word but true truly, be the 2nd spring that water gave me life. 事後,王女士偎在丈夫懷裡,由衷地說「都說女人是水做的,這話可真的不假,正是水給了我人生的第二個春天啊。」
- People say that the tiger is still lurk close to. 人們說那隻老虎還躲在附近。
- She is buying a flat close to her office. 她正在購買一套靠近她辦公室的單元房。
- The church is close to the school. 教堂在學校附近。
- Her remarks were embarrassingly close to home. 她說的那些話很露骨而使人感到很尷尬。
- What do you mean, the only one?@ I leaned closer to the bug. 「你什麼意思,惟一的一位?」我前傾靠近了喬伊。
- David's house is quite close to the Global Theater. 大衛的家離環球劇院很近。
- Grinning broadly, the man leaned close to the bartender's ear and whispered, "Cars. 那人俯身過來,湊近侍者的耳朵,裂開嘴笑嘻嘻地說:「汽車。
- "With this," he said, leaning close to me, "I can remotely manipulate your flight-path during the game. 「有了這個」他湊近我說,「我就可以遙控你在比賽中的飛行路線。
- Like the previous offender, the man stepped off to the left, leaned close to the wall and unzipped. 與之前的違規者一樣,這名男子轉身向左,靠向牆壁,然後拉開了拉鏈。
- He held me close to him, murmuring endearments. 他抱緊了我,喃喃述說著愛意。
- The hounds are getting close to their quarry. 獵狗正在接近獵物。
- His house is close to the factory. 他家靠近該廠。
- She leans closer to him, flips back her hair, gazes meaningfully into his eyes. 她向他靠近點,把頭髮撩回去,深情地望著他。
- He parked his car close to the curb. 他將汽車停在緊靠人行道路緣的地方。
- The ship kept close to the coast. 該船靠近海岸航行。
- The child snuggled close to its mother. 孩子緊緊偎依著母親。