- Ted was lazy and stubborn and his lessons had to be beaten into his head. 泰德又懶惰又固執,得再三教才能把功講給灌進去。
- He grew lazy and slovenly in his habits. 他養成了懶散隨便的習慣。
- They say he was lazy and incompetent. 他們的意思是他既懶惰又不稱職。
- She characterized him as lazy and selfish. 她把她的性格描繪成又懶惰又自私。
- Willing to work under pressure and self motivate. 大家明白這是什麼要求嗎?
- Japan has certainly taken note of America's woes, with its leaders calling American workers lazy and illiterate. 日本的領袖們稱美國工人懶惰,且目不識丁,他們當然注意到了美國的苦惱。
- Synthetic use and self comments. 綜合應用,自我評價。
- The other has been lazy and shiftless. 另一個懶惰成性,碌碌無為。
- Please accept our thanks to Mr. Jones and self. 謝謝您和瓊斯。
- Steve was talented, but lazy and undisciplined. 斯蒂夫很有天賦,但是懶散而且不守紀律。
- Strong sense of responsibility and self motivation. 強烈責任感,具有自我激勵能力。
- Maybe it's Garfield's lazy and selfish behavior. 也許和他懶惰又自私的行為有關。
- Strong senses of responsibility and self otivation. 高度責任感及自我驅動能力。
- She called her children lazy and ungrateful. 她稱她的孩子們既懶惰又忘恩負義。
- Greece must have a system if it is to become a self supporting and self respecting democracy. 要想成為一個自立、自尊的民主國家,希臘必須有一個健全的體制。
- I am fed up with his laziness and carelessness. 我受夠了他的懶惰和粗心。
- You say I am self indulgent! How about yourself? It's a case of the pot calling the kettle black. 你說我放縱自己,你自己呢?還不是五十步笑一百步。
- Variance between transeunt request and self judgement. 外在的要求常和自己的判斷不一致。
- Some 61 percent of the singles surveyed said they were more self indulgent than their "coupled" peers. 61%25的受訪單身人士說他們比已婚人士更加放縱自己。
- The servant was dismissed for being lazy and dishonest. 這個僕人因懶惰和不誠實而被解僱。