- Layer upon layer of colour, interweaving and interplaying, shone with a dazzling brilliance. 一層層的光與色,相盪相薄,閃閃爍爍地都映現在我的眼底。
- The Therme Vals is built from layer upon layer of locally quarried Valser Quarzite slabs. 瓦爾斯溫泉建立在當地開採過石頭的原址上,這種石頭成為設計的靈感來源。
- It's up to you, to sift through layer upon layer of truth until you determine for yourselves which version sounds the most true. 該由你自己把真相層層揭示,直到你決定哪種解釋是真實的。
- Time grinds sunlight, drunkenly writes down days; the shadow, then lonely, sends out its yearning in wind and frost, builds up layer upon layer of ice mountain. 歲月碾磨陽光,醉寫白晝;影子孤落的日子,風霜中寄出思念,疊起層層的冰山。
- Large tracts of platyphylla, Yuji loaded thick, layer upon layer of leaves and branches, full of little Lou Xia Ri Ying. 大片大片的白樺林,濃裝玉肌,層層疊疊的枝葉間,漏下斑斑點點的日影。
- Since independence was proclaimed by the son of the Portuguese king, Brazil has been adding layer upon layer of change rather than sweeping away the old and starting afresh. 從葡萄牙國王的兒子宣布巴西獨立后,巴西一直循序改革而不是一下子除舊迎新。
- Tuff cones are formed when magma from an inland volcano reaches the sea, sputtering layer upon layer of basalt ash that eventually rises into this monument of nature. 凝灰岩錐時形成的岩漿從火山達到一個內陸海,濺射層層玄武岩粉煤灰,最終上升到這個紀念碑的性質。
- Layer upon layer of different rocks recede down into the Grand Canyon and back through time, until the strata, at the river, revealed some of the oldest exposed rocks on earth. 一層層各種各樣的岩石疊鋪著一直伸入峽谷之中直至地層,追逐著時光的變遷,在河床中顯露著一些地球上最古老的岩石。
- Her red-rimmed eyes were partially closed by yellowish crusts; her hands were covered with layer upon layer of grime,and the stale smell of sweat rose in a thick vaporous cloud from her clothes. 她眼圈通紅,黃乎乎的眼屎幾乎遮住了眼睛,雙手積滿了一層層厚重的污垢,衣服上散發的一陣陣強烈的汗酸臭味撲鼻而來。
- The couple who interact, who pay attention, who really listen and really look at one another, kindle deep erotic love through layer upon layer of creative understanding and acceptance. 相互影響、相互注意、相互傾訴、相互注視的伴侶,通過不斷積累的理解、不斷的相互認可,讓深深的愛情之火常燃不息。
- I think, in part, we mythologize sacrifice, ennoble it with layer upon layer of redemptive they-did-not-suffer-and-die-in-vain meaning, because it enables us to bear the pain of loss. 我想,我們神話犧牲者,給他們批上一層救贖的外衣,認為他們的苦難和死亡並非毫無意義而更顯尊貴,在某種程度上只是為了讓我們能承受失去他們的痛苦。
- He remembers his mother once telling him about the Princess and the Pea, and how it had made him laugh - nothing but softness and layer upon layer of goose feathers for this little prince. 他記得他母親曾對他講過一次豌豆公主的故事,那故事是如何逗得他發笑的-這個小王子躺在那鵝絨床墊上,一層又一層,除了柔軟,還是柔軟。
- Magnificent animations and websites are all built on layers upon layers of zeroes and ones. 炫麗的動畫、方便的網頁、無遠弗屆的一切通通都是由零和一來層層建構。
- This is a wine of gravitas with layers upon layers of dark fruit coating fine tannins with an almost glycerol-like texture. 層層顯現出來的水果味包裹著精細的單寧酸,莊嚴的葡萄酒。
- Here were the twenty shelves, and the receding layers upon layers of upper and lower floors visible between the low railing, and the labyrinth of corridors lined with books. 就是這二十個書架,還有透過低矮欄杆望去,向上向下漸行漸遠的樓層,還有書盈六壁的迴廊迷宮。
- As you add layer upon layer, each experience is more rich than the last. 你一層層的疊加起來,每種經驗都會比上一次來的更加豐富。
- The stone has recommended the house projecting over the water layer upon layer. 石頭舉起了層層的吊腳樓。那些吊起的腳是苗民閑起的巨手。
- The truth epidermis layer upon layer opened, Ting decides to counterattack! 真相的表皮層層揭開,婷決定還擊!
- her hands were covered with layer upon layer of grime, and the stale smell of sweat rose in a thick vaporous cloud from her clothes. 雙手積滿了一層層厚重的污垢,衣服上散發的一陣陣強烈的汗酸臭味撲鼻而來。
- This layer of rock contains a lot of flint. 這一岩層中有大量燧石。