- The rule of law has kept our society open, fair and law abiding. 法治制度使我們的社會開放公平,市民奉公守法。
- The rule of law has kept our society open,fair and law abiding. 法治制度使我們的社會開放公平,市民奉公守法。
- Your word to be law in family matters. 你的話在家中非常管用。
- Law makers should not be law breakers. 立法者不應成為犯法者; 立法應守法。
- These civilizations were urban, productive, religious and law abiding and in all meanings of the word, civilized. 這些文明都有城鎮性、生產性,具有宗教、持久的法律、文字和禮儀。
- Third, to set up a system preventing corruptions and encouraging law abiding business. 第三,建立廉潔自律機制。
- At the same time,working gives them a sense of social responsibility and law abiding spirit in addition to improving self-discipline. 同時,在勞動中可以培養其社會責任感和遵紀守法的精神。
- Can an act that causes death ever be lawful? 導致死亡的行為能合法嗎?
- The phrase "white sheep" can be used to refer to someone who is the outcast of a group of criminals, e. G., One who is law abiding. "白羊",可以用來指別人誰是棄兒的一群罪犯例如,一個人是守法的。
- All the commercial speculation should be lawful. 所有的商業操作必須合法。
- At the same time, working gives them a sense of social responsibility and law abiding spirit in addition to improving self-discipline. 同時在勞動中可以培養其社會責任感和遵紀守法的精神。
- The Indiana Democrat,who was worried that the ban might infringe on the rights of law abiding gun owners,had already voted against the bill. 這名印第安那州的民主黨議員早就投票反對這項法案,因為他擔心這道禁令可能侵犯了那些合法持槍者的權利。
- Thirdly, to define the term of detaining after arrestment according to be law. 第三,相應地明確規定逮捕后的羈押期限。
- No gospel without law, but neither should there be law without gospel. 沒有律法舊沒有福音;沒有福音,律法也沒有意義。
- Kate's word was law in the Brown household. 凱特的話在布朗家就是金科玉律。
- The introduction of the Driver Improvement Scheme is to promote road safety and make drivers more law abiding through better understanding of their driving behaviour and attitude. 運輸署推行駕駛改進計劃,旨在加深駕駛人士對自己的駕駛態度及行為的了解,從而推廣道路安全意識及鼓勵駕駛人士遵守交通條例。
- His word was law and his deeds were perfect. 他的話是法律,他的行為完美無瑕。
- Definition is the media between the education of knowing laws and law abiding consciousness. 知法教育有助於法律「興功、禁暴」功能的發揮,「定分」是知法教育到守法意識的中介;
- The essential element is possession, and that possession must be lawful. (佔有留置的)必備要素是佔有,且該佔有必須合法。
- We live in a Universe in which there are laws. 我們生活在一個由」規律」所支配的宇宙中.